Yunusobod suv sport saroyi

Suv Sport Saroyi | Palace of Water Sports

Swimmers Guide is not connected with any of the facilities listed on this site in any way. We cannot tell you the pools’ opening and closing times or when Senior Aerobics classes are held; we cannot tell you about the availability or cost of swimming lessons; we cannot get you discounted admission to swim at any of them; and we cannot help you find your children’s lost goggles or bathing suits.

We can and do try to give you reliable information about the pools, their locations, their admission policies, and their single-visit or casual swimming prices. Where possible, we include hypertext links to the pools’ own official websites and Facebook pages, clickable email addresses, and links to the websites of the clubs and teams that swim there. Look to those resources within each listing for more detailed information.

The data in the site is under continual review and is revised whenever the site’s editor becomes aware of a change, but, with more than 20,000 listings, a complete, periodic review of every listing takes about seven years to complete; in many places, prices will change four or five times before we have a chance to check the pool’s official website again.

For that reason, we ask for your help: If any of the information in the listing is incorrect, out of date, or could be improved, please tell us. There is an «Edit» button on just about every line of every listing, click on the edit button to tell us what needs to be changed. (No, it’s not a place for you to ask us questions. What we have in each listing is the latest news we have.)

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Also, please consider checking the listings of the pools you regularly use at home or when traveling, as your knowledge may be helpful to someone else who is unfamiliar with the area and visiting for the first time. Just go to the Add a Pool section of the site, read the first page, then fill out the questionnaire.

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Yunusobod sport majmuasining suv sporti saroyi

O’zbekistondagi Olimpiya standartlariga javob beradigan birinchi suzish havzasi (50×20 va 20×20 metr). Hovuz 500 tomoshabinga mo’ljallangan.




Suv sporti saroyi O’zbekiston Federatsiyasi mashg’ulotlari va musobaqalari hamda mamlakat sport zaxirasini tayyorlash uchun, shuningdek, aholi uchun ochiq. Boshlang’ich tayanchlar, bo’linadigan tasmalar, bayroq ustunlari, zinapoyalar, pastki va oxirgi devor belgilari, basseynlar Xalqaro suzish federatsiyasi (FINA) talablariga to’liq javob beradi. 2020 yilda Suv sporti saroyi qayta ta’mirlandi.
Yunusobod sport majmuasining suzish havzasi bazasida mamlakat suzish va sho’ng’in milliy terma jamoalari a’zolari, sport maktablari tarbiyalanuvchilari va turli tashkilotlarning sport jamoalari shug’ullanadi. Shuningdek, bolalar uchun suzish va sho’ng’in uchun sport va fitnes guruhlari ishlamoqda. Hovuzdagi suv harorati 24-28 daraja oralig’ida.

Suv sporti saroyi quyidagilarni o’z ichiga oladi:
— 50×20 metrli, chuqurligi 2 metr bo’lgan birinchi yirik suzish havzasi. Jadval bo’yicha 50 va 20 metrli yo’llarni o’zgartirish.
Katta hovuz 10 koridordan iborat va filtrlash tizimiga ega (Germaniya).
— Chuqurligi 5 metr va o’lchamlari 20×20 bo’lgan ikkinchi hovuz platformadan (5, 7 va 10 metr) va trambolinlardan (1 va 3 metr) sakrash, shuningdek, sinxron suzish uchun mo’ljallangan.
— Shkaf va alohida dush bilan almashtirish xonalari.
— 8-10 kishilik sauna.

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Mamlakatimizning iqlim sharoitiga to’liq moslashtirilgan zamonaviy SUV SPORTI SAROYIda barcha sharoitlar yaratilgan. Suvni tozalash, isitish tizimlari, xonada o’rtacha haroratni saqlash uchun uskunalar mavjudligini ham ta’kidlash joiz. Sizga va bolalaringizning sog’lig’iga g’amxo’rlik qilish uchun alohida tibbiyot xonalari bilan jihozlangan. Suv sporti saroyida mashg’ulot olib borayotgan bolalar nafaqat sog’lom va yaxshi sport mashg’ulotlariga ega, balki mahalliy va xalqaro musobaqalarda ishtirok etib, sovrinli o’rinlarni egallashadi.

Bundan tashqari, 2 -qavatda joylashgan, professional kuch, kardio va pnevmatik uskunalar bilan jihozlangan sport zali mavjud.
Suv sporti saroyida va sport zalida mashg’ulotlar malakali o’qituvchilar bilan ham guruhli, ham individual tarzda o’tkaziladi.

Hovuzga kirish katta xoldan iborat bo’lib, u erda barcha tashrif buyuruvchilar o’tirib, dam olishlari va televizor ko’rishlari mumkin. Hovuz maydonida tashrif buyuruvchilar uchun bufet ham tashkil etilgan.

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