Transmission over temp jeep commander

Transmission Overtemp

Вы можете написать сейчас и зарегистрироваться позже. Если у вас есть аккаунт, авторизуйтесь, чтобы опубликовать от имени своего аккаунта.


Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk 2017

Последние записи

Течь расширительного бачка

Эпопея с системой охлаждения!

О замене бачка писал, опишу проблему подробнее, возможно кому-то пригодится.

Из бачка стал уходить антифриз, видимых потёков не было, я напрягся и стал наблюдать.

Смотрел на уровень в бачке после ночной стоянки, система ж должна остыть, давление выровняться. Во время пуска двигателя смотрел на выхлопные газы. Почитал статьи про систему охлаждения, все пишут про прогоревшие прокладки, в общем жуть. Продолжалось это несколько месяцев. Антифриз периодически уходил, а я его подливал. Однажды поднял капот сразу после поездки по городу и вижу блестит коса проводов, которая проходит примерно под бачком. Трогаю её пальцем — палец красный. Думаю вот оно. Начинаю лазить искать. Включил фронтальную камеру на телефоне и засунул телефон под бачок, а там висит капля и дренажная трубка мокрая.


Всё вытер, выровнял уровень в бачке и стал ждать. А антифриз не уходит.

В итоге моих наблюдений оказалось, что на самом дне бачка, в самой его нижней точке, похоже образовалась микротрещина. При езде по городу, когда система охлаждения максимально разогревалась и создавалось максимально высокое давление, бачок начинал течь. Но тёк не сильно, поэтому до утра в подкапотном всё высыхало.

При этом автомобиль 2017 года, какого хрена бачок треснул непонятно.
Поставил новый бачок, заменил на нём крышку, и уже как порядка 2000 км этой проблемы нет. Но фобия осталась и литр антифриза всегда лежит в багажнике.

Всем добра и крепких бачков!


Transmission Overtemp

Вы можете написать сейчас и зарегистрироваться позже. Если у вас есть аккаунт, авторизуйтесь, чтобы опубликовать от имени своего аккаунта.


Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk 2017

Последние записи

Течь расширительного бачка

Эпопея с системой охлаждения!

О замене бачка писал, опишу проблему подробнее, возможно кому-то пригодится.

Из бачка стал уходить антифриз, видимых потёков не было, я напрягся и стал наблюдать.

Смотрел на уровень в бачке после ночной стоянки, система ж должна остыть, давление выровняться. Во время пуска двигателя смотрел на выхлопные газы. Почитал статьи про систему охлаждения, все пишут про прогоревшие прокладки, в общем жуть. Продолжалось это несколько месяцев. Антифриз периодически уходил, а я его подливал. Однажды поднял капот сразу после поездки по городу и вижу блестит коса проводов, которая проходит примерно под бачком. Трогаю её пальцем — палец красный. Думаю вот оно. Начинаю лазить искать. Включил фронтальную камеру на телефоне и засунул телефон под бачок, а там висит капля и дренажная трубка мокрая.

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Всё вытер, выровнял уровень в бачке и стал ждать. А антифриз не уходит.

В итоге моих наблюдений оказалось, что на самом дне бачка, в самой его нижней точке, похоже образовалась микротрещина. При езде по городу, когда система охлаждения максимально разогревалась и создавалось максимально высокое давление, бачок начинал течь. Но тёк не сильно, поэтому до утра в подкапотном всё высыхало.

При этом автомобиль 2017 года, какого хрена бачок треснул непонятно.
Поставил новый бачок, заменил на нём крышку, и уже как порядка 2000 км этой проблемы нет. Но фобия осталась и литр антифриза всегда лежит в багажнике.

Всем добра и крепких бачков!


Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp: How to Fix

The Jeep Commander is a rugged and dependable vehicle well-suited for off-road adventures. However, like any vehicle, it can experience mechanical issues that need to be addressed.

One common problem that Jeep Commander owners face is the “Transmission Over Temp” warning message. This warning can cause anxiety for many drivers and may signal a serious issue with the vehicle’s transmission system.

If you’ve ever experienced such issues, you may be looking for: how to fix the Jeep Commander transmission over temp.

The best way to fix a Jeep Commander transmission over temp issue is to check the radiator and coolant levels, replace any damaged or worn parts, and make sure the transmission is serviced correctly.

For your convenience, In this guide, we’ll explore some of the possible causes of this issue, and provide actionable tips to get your Jeep back on the road.

Meaning Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp

The “Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp” warning message indicates that the temperature of the transmission fluid in your Jeep Commander has exceeded safe operating levels.

When the transmission fluid overheats, it can cause damage to the transmission, leading to costly repairs or even transmission failure. It’s important to address this warning immediately by pulling over and allowing the transmission to cool down.

Causes of Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp Warning

Transmission over temp warning light indicates that the transmission is overheating and needs immediate attention to avoid damage. Here, we will discuss the top five causes of the Jeep Commander transmission over-temp warning.

Causes of Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp Warning

Low Transmission Fluid Levels

Low transmission fluid levels are the most common cause of the Jeep Commander transmission over-temp warning. When the transmission fluid is low, the transmission overheats because there is not enough fluid to keep the transmission cool. Low transmission fluid levels can be caused by leaks or by not regularly checking and adding fluid to the transmission.

Clogged Transmission Filter

The transmission filter is responsible for removing debris and other contaminants from the transmission fluid. When the filter becomes clogged, it restricts the flow of transmission fluid, causing the transmission to overheat. Over time, a clogged transmission filter can cause serious damage to the transmission if not addressed promptly.

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Faulty Transmission Cooler

The transmission cooler is responsible for regulating the temperature of the transmission fluid. When the cooler is not functioning correctly, it cannot properly cool the transmission fluid, causing the transmission to overheat. Faulty transmission coolers are often caused by leaks or clogs in the cooler system.

Damaged Transmission Pan

The transmission pan is responsible for holding the transmission fluid. When the pan becomes damaged, it can cause the transmission fluid to leak, resulting in low transmission fluid levels. A damaged transmission pan can also cause the transmission to overheat if the fluid is not able to cool properly.

Malfunctioning Transmission Sensor

The transmission sensor is responsible for monitoring the temperature of the transmission fluid. When the sensor malfunctions, it may give incorrect readings, causing the transmission to overheat. Malfunctioning transmission sensors can be caused by wiring issues, sensor damage, or other electrical problems.

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How to Diagnose the Cause of the Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp Warning?

The transmission over temp warning is a common issue in Jeep Commander vehicles. If ignored, it can lead to serious damage to the transmission system. Therefore, diagnose the cause of the warning promptly by following the steps:

  • Understanding the Warning Message: The transmission over temp warning in a Jeep Commander indicates that the transmission fluid is running hotter than normal. This can lead to damage to the transmission if the cause of the overheating is not addressed.
  • Performing a Visual Inspection of the Transmission System: The first step in diagnosing the cause of the transmission over temp warning is to perform a visual inspection of the transmission system. Check for any visible signs of damage or leaks in the transmission system, including the cooler lines, radiator, and transmission pan.
  • Checking the Transmission Fluid Level: Next, check the transmission fluid level. Low fluid levels can cause the transmission to overheat, so it’s important to ensure that the fluid level is within the recommended range.
  • Conducting a Transmission Fluid Analysis: If the transmission fluid level is correct, a transmission fluid analysis can be conducted to determine if the fluid is contaminated or has degraded. Contaminated or degraded fluid can cause the transmission to overheat.
  • Checking the Transmission Filter: The transmission filter should also be checked for any signs of damage or clogging. A clogged or damaged filter can restrict the flow of fluid, leading to overheating.

How to Fix the Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp Warning?

If you see this warning, you should act promptly to fix the issue and prevent further damage to your vehicle. Here are some solutions to the Jeep Commander transmission over-temp warning:

How to Fix the Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp Warning?

1. Refilling the Transmission Fluid

One of the common reasons for the transmission over-temp warning is a low level of transmission fluid. You can check the fluid level by looking at the dipstick located under the hood. If the fluid level is low, you can add more fluid to the transmission. Ensure you use the recommended type of transmission fluid for your Jeep Commander.

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2. Changing the Transmission Fluid and Filter

If the transmission fluid is dirty or contaminated, it can cause the transmission to overheat. In this case, you should change the transmission fluid and filter. You can do this yourself or take your Jeep Commander to a mechanic for a professional service.

3. Replacing the Transmission Cooler

The transmission cooler is responsible for keeping the transmission fluid cool. If it is damaged or clogged, it can cause the transmission to overheat. You can check the condition of the transmission cooler by inspecting it for leaks or damage. If you notice any issues, you should replace the transmission cooler.

4. Fixing the Damaged Transmission Pan

The transmission pan is located under the vehicle and holds the transmission fluid. If it is damaged or leaking, it can cause the transmission to overheat. You can inspect the transmission pan for damage or leaks and replace it if necessary.

5. Replacing the Malfunctioning Transmission Sensor

The transmission sensor is responsible for monitoring the temperature of the transmission. If it malfunctions, it can cause the transmission to overheat. You can diagnose a faulty transmission sensor by using a code reader. If the code reader indicates a problem with the sensor, you should replace it.

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Preventing Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp Warning

Here are some ways to prevent Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp Warning:

Regular maintenance

  • Follow the maintenance schedule recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Replace the transmission fluid and filter as specified in the owner’s manual.
  • Ensure that all components of the transmission system are properly lubricated and functioning correctly.

Avoiding Overloading the Vehicle

  • Do not exceed the maximum load capacity specified by the manufacturer.
  • Distribute the weight of the load evenly to avoid putting extra strain on the transmission.

Checking for Leaks

  • Regularly inspect the transmission for leaks, which can cause fluid levels to drop and cause overheating.
  • Address any leaks promptly to avoid further damage to the transmission.

Wrapping Words

Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp is a common issue that can be easily addressed. The key is to first identify the source of the problem and then address it with the proper repair or maintenance.

Depending on the severity of the issue, the repair may involve replacing certain parts, such as the transmission filter or cooling system, or performing a transmission flush.

By following the appropriate steps, the Jeep Commander Transmission Over Temp can be fixed and the vehicle can be returned to optimal performance. Proper maintenance and periodic checks are important to prevent future problems and keep the Jeep Commander running smoothly.

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