Top gear and toyota hilux

Toyota Hilux

The Toyota Hilux (formerly the Toyota Pickup in the North American market) are a series of compact pickup trucks (later mid-size with the introduction of seven-gen to present) made by Toyota. They have been produced since 1968, and in that time, there have been eight generations. Since the 3rd series of the show, the Hilux has grown to become one of the most venerated names in the history of Top Gear.

Hilux initially powered with inline-4 petrol engines and RWD, by the introduction of third-gen to onwards the part-time 4WD was added by the used of the second lever beside on the shifter. It can only use for off-roading. By fourth-gen the diesel engines is offered. In a later generation now includes the V6, turbocharged or supercharged for increase power. Current eigth-gen with increase overall dimension now classified as mid-size since previous sixth-gen.

In Top Gear, Hilux often used as a challenge truck. One notable is the first road vehicle to reach North Pole at exact coordinates.

Appearances [ ]

  • In Series 3, Episode 5 and Episode 6 (Indestructible Hilux, Part I and II), Jeremy testing the fourth-gen Hilux diesel with 190,000 miles on odometer for toughness in abuse way in order: by drove it down a flight of stairs, sideswiped buildings, head-on collision on tree, sweeping the Hilux through tides, setting cabin on fire, dropping a caravan into it, and placing to top of the building for implosion. Through, the Hilux still has capable of engine running by using basic tools but suffers extreme structural damage and driving it to the studio.
  • In Polar Special, Jeremy and James driven the seven-gen Hilux with modification similar in off-road like special snow tyres, with a toilet seat at the rear bumper, etc. The duo crossed first the exact coordinates of North Pole beating Richard whilst only in dogshed.
  • In Series 15, Episode 1, James modified the Hilux used previously in Polar Special purposely to driving up the Eyjafjallajökull, he fitted it with a corrugated roof to protect from falling lava, and got very close to the center of the volcano, in fact only a few meters away.


Такую «убивали» в Top Gear: нашли на «Автобарахолке» легендарный пикап Toyota

Пикап Toyota Hilux в представлении и рекламе не нуждается. Его можно встретить в любой точке мира — от Лиссабона до Владивостока, от Измира до Кейптауна или до Хошимина. Он выступает в качестве «рабочей лошадки», в некоторых регионах — даже в качестве «маршрутки». Причина? Невероятная надежность и выносливость, что особенно важно в условиях, где нет нормального топлива, дорог и уж тем более квалифицированного сервиса. А теперь представьте, что речь идет о подготовленном Hilux — с усиленной подвеской, более мощным мотором и профессиональным внедорожным тюнингом.

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«Покоритель бездорожья для тех, кто жаждет приключений», — представляет свой автомобиль продавец, разместивший объявление на «Автобарахолке». И с ним сложно не согласиться. Если вы подумали, что все отзывы о невероятной выносливости и надежности Toyota Hilux преувеличены, то давайте вспомним легендарный ролик из программы Top Gear, где пикап подвергся самым жестким испытаниям — ДТП, бездорожье, утопление в море, а затем еще и сожжение. Тем, кто еще не видел, крайне рекомендуем.

Конечно, в этом ролике речь идет о предыдущем, четвертом поколении Hilux. Однако в данном случае это не принципиально, потому что данная Toyota имеет минимальные конструктивные отличия: у нее такая же прочная рама и такие же рессорные подвески на «мостах», спереди и сзади. Причем еще и усиленные. «Подвески Tough Tog, усиленная грузоподъемность +80 кг спереди и +300 кг сзади, лифт 2 дюйма», — сообщает продавец. Кстати, отметим, что сама по себе рессорная версия Hilux в Беларуси — эксклюзив, большинство экземпляров, изредка встречающихся в продаже, имеет переднюю независимую подвеску на пружинах.

«Эту машину я купил еще в 2012 году, — рассказал хозяин авто. — Поскольку мы с супругой любим всякие внедорожные приключения, искали именно пикап, чтобы можно было возить разное снаряжение, не особо заботясь о чистоте салона. Однако выбор оказался невелик — пикап на мостах в Беларуси найти не так-то легко. Но повезло, нашелся именно такой Hilux. Сразу после покупки начался бесконечный, но по-своему увлекательный процесс тюнинга. Установил дополнительный свет — прожекторы светят по сторонам и назад, что очень удобно при маневрировании ночью. Также появилась мощная „люстра“ на крыше, заменил фары на светодиодные. На смену штатным шинам пришли сначала 32-дюймовые BF Goodrich, но регулярные выезды показали, что нужно что-то побольше, и впоследствии их место заняли 33-дюймовые Maxxis. Доработал и подвеску: спереди и сзади появились усиленные рессоры, плюс они слегка приподняли пикап, и поэтому теперь колеса не цепляются за арки, даже при самых сильных ходах».

Еще одним преимуществом данного экземпляра является «свап» двигателя. Вместо атмосферного 2,4-литрового дизеля 2L установлен почти вдвое мощный мотор — 3-литровый 1KZ-T. Это обозначение мало что говорит обывателям, но в мире внедорожников данный ДВС — фактически икона. Четыре цилиндра, турбина, относительно небольшая мощность 125 л. с. — однако крутящий момент в 300 Нм творит чудеса. Машина легко трогается на холостых оборотах со второй передачи, а если отпускать сцепление слегка медленнее, то и с третьей. И это на внедорожных колесах размерности 33 × 12,5. «Теперь она может разгоняться на 5-й передаче в горку, я уже почти забыл, что это такое!» — восторженно отзывается владелец о результатах «свапа». Но сообщает, что прайс-лист за данную процедуру был «космический».


The Indestructible Hilux

Indestructible Hilux was a nickname purposely to obliterating to proven its durability. Jeremy picks the late-MY fourth-gen Toyota Hilux as a part of the test. It is aired in fifth and sixth episodes of Series 3, along James May


Hilux obliteration [ ]

Part I [ ]

Upon Clarkson purchased the Hilux from farmyard, it has with 186 thousand miles on odometer albeit with some body components are corrosion, hence the test commence. The series of test are: descending through steps (suspension, tyres, underfloor chassis), making sharp turns but also damage the build including a piece of brick fell off (body), sweeping with high tides at Bristol Channel (whole body). After several hours until it’s low tide, the Hilux was partially buried so the workers have to extract back to the surface. To prove had been obliterated, the mechanic had to repair only by basic tools. Astonishingly, the Hilux starts.

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As Clarkson the methods weren’t enough, he continues by dropping the Hilux after being declamp regardless of elevation, crashing through wooden bunker house, crushing with wrecking ball (body being crush on bonnet, tailgate, pick-up bed, etc.), dropping a caravan onto it (between front and pick-up’s pillar), and ablaze with fire through pick-up bed later on cabin. Once more it is still driveable, it ends the first part as a cliffhanger.

Part II-III [ ]

As all types of methods seemingly impossible. So Clarkson would be the best by placing at the top of the 23-storey building exactly subject for demolish with the help by the use of skyscrapper, the Part II clip were cut short following by Part III as James wants to see the audience on the studio to prove has been obliterated. The clip plays after being demolished; the workers had to clear off debris to recover. Upon the recovery, the Hilux now suffers major body damage (except on suspension including leaf sprung, wheels/tyres still on near in shape, underfloor chassis, etc.). The mechanic performs the task again by the use of basic tools. Suprisingly, it is able to start again in just almost few repairs.

Clarkson was surprising the Hilux was proved to be indestructible, hence the Hilux was present through audience studio then applauds. Before the end of the episode James suggest being as a decoration display which Clarkson as well the audiences agree.

Later appearances [ ]

Following the aftermath of the episode. The ‘indestructible Hilux’ can be seen on montage clip, where Clarkson acquires again this time fifth-gen blue Hilux as a basis purposely to hover on water in 2-miles on lake but went capsized, however. In process of constructing the Toybota. Jeremy attempts to start up again, it is now completely total electrical failure as Richard stated.

Later in Series 12, Episode 6, during the communist cars segment, James mentions how they did a durability test on the Hilux and planned to do the same for the FSO Polonez, Unlike the Hilux, the Polonez was destroyed after being dropped by a crane from a large height.

Trivia [ ]

  • Footage of the Hilux’s destruction was used in a commercial for the Toyota Tacoma, a pickup truck sold in North America.


Toyota Hilux review

Toyota Hilux pick-up front

The world’s best-selling pick-up truck… if you leave out America. Which is like saying Burger King does the most popular cow sandwich on Earth… if you forget about McDonalds. But even excepting the USA’s insatiable thirst for open-bed freedom on wheels, the Toyota Hilux is a sales phenomenon. Since 1968, Toyota’s shifted more than 18 million of these humble workhorses to everyone from farmers to freedom fighters. And now it’s a Dakar Rally winner, too.

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So has Toyota stuck to the recipe for this latest one?

No. Toyota has been poring over the spreadsheets, and in recent years they’ve made grim reading for the Hilux. Since 2012, pick-up truck sales in Europe have doubled, swept along in the torrent of clamour for all things 4×4 and SUV-ish. But while truck sales have boomed, the Toyota’s market share has been eaten into by the likes of the Ford Ranger Wildtrack and VW Amarok – trucks aimed at wooing lifestyle enthusiasts in Shepherds Bush as much as they impress actual sheep-herders in the bush. In 2021 Toyota shifted a grand total of 47,480 Hilux units in Europe, which doesn’t exactly provoke the age old hot cakes analogy.

So what’s changed?

Toyota’s reacted to the trend for people desiring high-spec, well-kitted pick-up trucks with powerful motorway-happy engines. There’s now the option of a 2.8-litre engine on the toppier trim levels, instead of the workaday 2.4-litre. Inside, the range toppers boast heated leather seats, an automatic gearbox and Toyota’s latest smartphone-literate touchscreen. There’s even a JBL hi-fi and LED lights. New for 2022 are extras such as a panoramic view monitor, an auto-dimming rear view mirror and dual-zone air conditioning, while automatic service reminders, e-call and remote diagnostic functionality are standard across the board.

And what about the mechanicals?

Toyota used to place a multi-tonne load in the Hilux’s bed, then tune the suspension. That meant a bouncy, unsettled ride when the truck was unladen. Because most lifestyle pick-up truck drivers never place more than a bottle of screenwash and a pair of trainers in the cargo bay, the latest Hilux has been tuned to ride best without so much as a bag of sand slung in the bed. Great news… and very worrying. Not just because the Hilux is supposed to have the simplicity and longevity of Stonehenge, but because this tactic isn’t necessarily a winner. The Mercedes X-Class was long ago dropped from UK sale after its premium take on Nissan Navara underpinnings failed to convince the pick-up truck faithful. They’ll sniff out a faker in moments.

So, has the Hilux lost its way, or reinforced its position as a modern motoring icon? We’ve tested the two top-spec models: the Hilux Invincible and Invincible X, to find out if they’re worthy of the best-seller or not.

What’s the verdict?

The Toyota Hilux is a predictably unpretentious machine, and its attempts to court lifestyle truck buyers have done little to alienate its core following while rounding off some of its rougher on-road manners. The most welcome upgrade is the new 2.8-litre engine, alleviating the older cars’ tardy performance particularly when fully loaded. The cabin remains grim in areas and it’s a cumbersome beast to helm around, but if anything that’s a constant reminder this isn’t a vehicle to pose in – it’s a tool, a faithful workhorse, and a dependable business partner.


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