Subaru forester with eyesight

Subaru Forester With EyeSight 4.0 Launched In Thailand

With a regional factory just outside of Bangkok city, regional brand guardian Motor Image and Subaru have just launched their updated version of the very popular and their best seller Subaru Forester SUV.

At the Thailand unveiling, Mr Glenn Tan, Deputy Chairman and Managing Director, Tan Chong International Limited remarked, “The 2022 Forester comes equipped with EyeSight 4.0, so owners of this new Forester can live larger and go on larger adventures with their families, thanks to its latest improvements to date.

Meanwhile, this SUV equipped with EyeSight 4.0, Driver Monitoring System and improved X-MODE with Hill Descent Control is built on a cutting-edge Subaru Global Platform and comes with Subaru’s most sophisticated driver assist safety system to date.

Subaru Forester With EyeSight 4.0

EyeSight 4.0 Driver Assist Technology

Is good to know that Subaru’s award-winning preventive safety system, EyeSight, is now more intuitive than ever. Boasting innovative stereo cameras, EyeSight gets an upgrade with new features.

Interestingly, EyeSight 4.0’s Pre-Collision Braking now covers even more traffic scenarios at intersections, thanks to its improved stereo cameras with coverage that has almost doubled laterally (from left to right) as well as vertically.

It is now able to help the driver look left and right, to detect obstacles and help prevent potential collisions, not only at its own lane, but at neighbouring lanes as well (e.g., vehicles travelling in the opposite direction and pedestrians crossing the road at left- or right-turn junctions).

EyeSight 4.0 now includes nine features, of which three are new, Autonomous Emergency Steering, Lane Centering Function and Lane Departure Prevention, while Pre-Collision Braking and Adaptive Cruise Control have been improved.

Subaru Forester With EyeSight 4.0

  • Autonomous Emergency Steering helps steer the Forester away from a vehicle or obstacle in front to avoid an accident (up to 80km/h).
  • The Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system now has a Lane Centering Function. This helps to steer the Forester, keeping it in the middle of the lane, whether the road is straight or slightly curved. This is in addition to the existing feature of the ACC that helps drivers in highway traffic, by keeping the new Forester at a safe distance from the vehicle in front, helping the driver to slow down or speed up automatically.
  • EyeSight 4.0’s Lane Departure Warning includes Lane Departure Prevention. This nudges the steering wheel slightly towards the inside of the Forester’s lane when it detects that the driver is about to cross the line/lane markings while travelling at 60km/h or more.
  • Driver Monitoring System (DMS)
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Uses an infra-red camera and facial recognition technology to monitor the driver’s eyes and alerts the driver when the system detects that he/she is distracted or falling asleep.

It also remembers the unique settings of up to five drivers for their seat and door mirror positions and climate control settings. It automatically adjusts them for each upon facial recognition.

The new Forester now features DMS gesture control for the climate control system. A simple hand gesture adjusts the set temperature, making it easier and safer for the driver to do so.

Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection System (SRVD)

Radar sensors check for traffic approaching from behind the vehicle to warn the driver during lane changes and while reversing or backing up from a parking lot.

Reverse Automatic Braking (RAB)

The vehicle automatically engages the brakes when it detects the risk of a collision while reversing.

High Beam Assist (HBA)

Allows drivers to keep their high beams on all the time as the system switches automatically to low beam when the EyeSight system detects oncoming traffic.

Improved X-MODE: Intuitive Safety, Maneuverability and Convenience

Helping drivers tackle the rough and challenging roads in ASEAN nations with the touch of a button, the improved X-MODE complements Subaru’s Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive system to allow Forester owners to drive more confidently, especially on uneven surfaces or challenging inclines.

Drivers can select between ‘Dirt’ and ‘Mud’ to suit the driving situation.

The improved X-MODE Auto Restore switches to ‘standby’ when the speed exceeds 40km/h, and subsequently comes back on when the speed drops below 35km/h.

Previously, X-MODE would deactivate at 40km/h and had to be reactivated manually if needed. This improvement keeps the driver’s eyes on the road.

X-MODE’s Hill Descent Control empowers drivers, helping them maintain a controlled and constant speed even on slippery down-hills, which provides greater peace of mind and allows drivers to concentrate on steering.

It now operates more smoothly when the driver decides to accelerate during a gradual descent with X-MODE activated.

There is no longer a delay between the driver’s accelerator input and Hill Descent Control’s auto modulation of the brakes in X-MODE when driving slowly down a slope (20km/h or less).

The Malaysian arrival of this latest version is very soon. So, stay tuned.


2022 Subaru Forester EyeSight With High-Tech LiDAR


2022 Subaru Forester EyeSight With High-Tech LiDAR – Subaru has just launched its first model with a new generation of EyeSight drivers helping the cutting edge technology. The newly renovated Levorg sports cart was the first model to get a system offering a 360-degree camera. The 2022 Subaru Forester is likely to be the first U.S. model to come with improved technology.

Subaru announced it has partnered with Xilinx to enable the new second-generation Levorg with a vision-based ADAS system (Advanced Driver Assistance System) using stereo cameras at all four corners of the vehicle.

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2022 Subaru Forester EyeSight With High-Tech LiDAR

If you’ve never heard of LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), this is a high-tech sensing method that uses pulsed lasers to measure distance. According to information sourced from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), LiDAR is often used on aircraft and helicopters to obtain data over large areas. It can also strip back layers of the forest to see ancient hidden structures.

Subaru is now using LiDAR by partnering with a company called ON Semiconductor for the next-generation EyeSight X driver assistance technology. Subaru has just launched a new safety system on leverage sports carts in the Japanese market, but high-tech settings will soon come to U.S. customers and possibly at Forester 2022.

Cutting-edge technology offers 360-degree sensing by combining front and rear radar, and the new EyeSight X uses 3D high-precision map data with road information for each track. Subaru aims for zero traffic fatalities by 2030 with a new system.

Subaru Highest Safety

Subaru has now achieved the highest safety scores from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on its all-wheel-drive models. But automakers are not satisfied. Now they have the goal of using EyeSight’s advanced safety system to achieve improved safety performance and have no traffic fatalities in their cars by 2030.

The fourth year of the Forester model life cycle is when the most prominent design, drivetrain, and safety changes occur. Subaru will give the COMPACT SUV a “refresh” with some exterior and interior modifications to improve its appearance, but significant changes will come under its skin.

Subaru has achieved the highest safety score from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) for the Forester compact SUV. Now they have the goal of using EyeSight’s advanced safety system to achieve improved safety performance for zero fatal accidents in its cars.

Next year, the Subaru Forester 2022, in the fourth year of Subaru’s life cycle, is caused by a significant refresh. Look for new model changes to come with the new EyeSight X. This compact SUV is likely the first U.S. model equipped with cutting-edge technology.

Subaru says the new generation system scans everything captured by stereo cameras that allow automakers to offer advanced features such as pre-collision braking at intersections and help with direct driving in traffic jams on highways.

None of the Subaru vehicles sold in the U.S. have the next-generation EyeSight X with LiDAR yet, but the new Subaru Forester 2022 could be the next model to get a high-tech safety system.

All-New Subaru EyeSight Tutorial Video


Subaru EyeSight — Что это такое и как работает система Subaru EyeSight?

Субару говорит, что EyeSight действует как дополнительная пара глаз, которые пытаются увидеть несчастные случаи до того, как они произойдут, чтобы помочь их предотвратить.

Эти дополнительные «глаза» — это две камеры, установленные на лобовом стекле по обе стороны от внутреннего зеркала. Визуальные изображения и другие данные с камер обрабатываются модулями управления двигателем, трансмиссией и динамикой автомобиля.

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глаз субару

Затем они определяют, когда и как вмешаться с помощью продвинутых систем помощи водителю, предлагаемых Subaru, включая торможение с предварительным столкновением, управление дроссельной заслонкой с предотвращением столкновения, адаптивный круиз-контроль, предупреждение о выезде с полосы движения, а также помощь в удержании полосы движения и поворот.

EyeSight включает в себя обнаружение пешеходов и может обнаруживать разницу в скорости с другими транспортными средствами на скорости до 30 миль в час и полностью останавливать транспортное средство для предотвращения столкновения. Функция удержания полосы движения направит автомобиль обратно в полосу движения, если EyeSight обнаружит, что он дрейфует через маркеры полосы движения.

История EyeSight

Subaru EyeSight

Eyesight дебютировал с черно-белыми камерами в качестве опции на Outback и Legacy 2013 года. В обновлении для 2015 модельного года добавлены цветные камеры и обнаружение стоп-сигналов; Расстояние обнаружения было также увеличено на 40% до примерно 365 футов для более широкой зоны обнаружения. С 2015 года EyeSight был модифицирован для работы с усовершенствованным адаптивным круиз-контролем Subaru.

EyeSight входит в стандартную комплектацию моделей Ascent, Forester, Legacy и Outback 2021 года, а также входит в другие модели, оснащенные бесступенчатой автоматической коробкой передач.

Другие производители предлагают аналогичные системы предотвращения столкновений, но некоторые используют радары или другие типы датчиков в дополнение к камерам или вместо них.

Основные функции Subaru EyeSight

глаз субару

Всю функциональность Subaru EyeSight можно поделить на следующие 6 функций.

Система оценки усталости водителя

Subaru EyeSight

Создана для анализа ситуации и уведомления водителя, если замечается непреднамеренное колебание или смещения автомобиля с дорожной полосы.

Система автоматического экстренного торможения EyeSight

глаз субару

Анализирует и оценивает опасность столкновения с едущим впереди автомобилем, если резко сокращается дистанция между авто. Аналогично система срабатывает если впереди будет и иной объект.

Система предупреждения о начале движения следующего впереди автомобиля

Subaru EyeSight

Система анализирует и уведомит водителя, если впереди стоящий автомобиль начнет движение, а Ваш, будет стоять на месте.

Система адаптивного круиз-контроля

глаз субару

Позволяет не только удерживать заданную водителем скорость, но и адаптироваться к потоку авто, который едет впереди автомобиля в этой же полосе. Система, дагнав автомобиль, автоматически сбросит скорость и будет удерживать безопасную дистанцию к едущему впереди автомобилю.

Система предаварийного управления акселератором

Subaru EyeSight

Система работает в случае если рычаг селектора коробки передач установлен в положение “Drive”, а впереди обнаружится препятствие. То есть, если водитель не среагирует на впереди стоящее препятствие, система автоматически сбросит газ.

Система предупреждения о сходе с полосы движения

глаз субару

EyeSight анализирует дорожную разметку и уведомит водителя в случае, когда автомобиль начал смешаться с дорожной полосы.

Subaru EyeSight для повышения безопасности

глаз субару

Страховой институт дорожной безопасности присвоил Subaru, оборудованному системой EyeSight, высшую оценку за предотвращение лобовых столкновений. В отчете IIHS за 2017 год говорится, что EyeSight эффективен в сокращении количества столкновений, материального ущерба и телесных повреждений. Например, первое поколение EyeSight снизило количество травм пешеходов на 33%, а второе поколение — на 41% по сравнению с моделями Subaru, у которых не было EyeSight.

Водители могут отключать функции EyeSight, отключая функции по отдельности. EyeSight автоматически активируется при запуске двигателя.


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