Service parking assist jeep grand cherokee

Jeep Grand Cherokee (2018 год). Руководство — часть 59

Систему активной помощи при парковке
ParkSense можно включать и отключать с
помощью переключателя системы активной
помощи при парковке ParkSense, располо-
женного на панели переключателей под дис-
плеем Uconnect.

Для включения системы активной помощи
при парковке ParkSense нажмите один раз на
переключатель системы активной помощи
при парковке ParkSense (загорается свето-
диодный индикатор).

Для выключения системы активной помощи
при парковке ParkSense нажмите снова на
переключатель системы активной помощи
при парковке ParkSense (светодиодный ин-
дикатор гаснет).

Система активной помощи при парковке
ParkSense отключается автоматически при
любом из следующих условий:

• Парковочный маневр завершен.

• Скорость автомобиля при поиске места

для стоянки более 30 км/ч (18 миль/ч).

• Скорость автомобиля при активном руле-

нии на место стоянки более 7 км/ч
(5 миль/ч).

• При прикосновении к рулевому колесу при

активном рулении на место стоянки.

• При нажатии на переключатель системы

активной помощи при парковке ParkSense.

• Дверь багажного отделения открыта.

• Вмешательство системы электронной сис-

антиблокировочной тормозной системы.

• Система активной помощи при парковке

ParkSense допускает не более шести пере-
ключений между режимами ПЕРЕДНИЙ
ХОД (автоматическая коробка передач)
или при движении передним ходом (меха-
ническая коробка передач) и ЗАДНИЙ
ХОД. Если маневр не завершается после
шести переключений, система отменяет
маневр, и на дисплее щитка приборов по-
является инструкция для водителя о том,

Система активной помощи при парковке
ParkSense работает и выполняет поиск про-
странства для стоянки, только если выпол-
няются следующие условия:

• Выбрано положение коробки передач ПЕ-

РЕДНИЙ ХОД (автоматическая коробка
передач) или автомобиль движется перед-
ним ходом (механическая коробка пере-

• Зажигание в положении RUN (РАБОТА).

• Система активной помощи при парковке

• Дверь багажного отделения закрыта.

• Скорость автомобиля менее 25 км/ч

Если автомобиль движется со скоростью
приблизительно в 25 км/ч (15 миль/ч), на дис-
плее щитка приборов будут появляться сооб-
щения для водителя о необходимости сни-
зить скорость. Если автомобиль движется со
скоростью выше приблизительно 30 км/ч
(18 миль/ч), система будет остановлена.
После этого водитель должен будет снова
активировать систему, нажав на переключа-
тель системы активной помощи при пар-
ковке ParkSense.

• Внешняя поверхность и нижняя поверх-

ность передней и задней облицовки/

Расположение переключателя системы

активной помощи при парковке ParkSense


Service Park Assist System Jeep: How To Solve?

service park assist system jeep

The park assist system is a great help to ensure smooth and safe parking of your vehicle. The process is done by using ultrasonic and visual sensors.

If something is wrong with the components it’ll affect the system and will show warning messages. One such common warning message is “Service park assist”.

So, what to do if your dashboard shows Service Park Assist system jeep?

First, turn off the park assist system. Clean the sensors properly as this could solve the problem. If cleaning doesn’t work, then test the sensors and repair or replace them. If the problem still persists, reset the park assist system.

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That’s a sneak peek of the whole discussion. Interested to know more about it? Then join us in the main discussion.

What Does Service Park Assist System Mean?

If your vehicle’s gauge cluster shows “service park assist system” it’s basically saying “clean the sensors”. Unlike sowing error codes like u1110, your jeep will show a “Service Park Assist System” error message.

These jeep models face Service Park Assist System the most;

For some vehicles, the same message is shown as “Clean Park Assist Sensors”. The park assist system uses sensors and cameras to detect objects nearby the vehicle.

The sensors pick on objects that might not be visible to you. So, you can park your vehicle safely. If the sensors are not working then the park assist system will fail to perform its task.

In most cases, the sensors get blocked by dirt, mud, snow, ice, or other obstructions. That’s when the “service park assist” warning pops up.

This warning can appear even if a single sensor fails to work whether it’s from dirt or electrical failure. When the park assist system is malfunctioning, your vehicle’s instrument cluster will sound a single chime.

And it’ll keep showing “service park assist system” once each ignition cycle.

The Causes & Solutions For Service Park Assist Warning Pop Up

Park assist errors are caused by some common malfunctions. It’s important to know them because it’ll help you diagnose the problem faster.

Here we mentioned the possible causes and their solution for the park assist errors.

Reason Symptom Solution
Dirty sensors “Service park assist system” or “clean park assist system” warning Clean the sensors
Faulty park assist sensors No response from the sensor, unusual current reading Test for faulty sensors and replace them, reset the park assist system.
Faulty park assist module Fails to transmit or receive signals from the park assist sensors Reset the park assist module, repair or replace it

Now, let’s get down to more details.

Reason-01: Dirty Park Assist Sensors

The warning pops up due to the sensors being dirty or bad. The park assist system is totally dependable on the park assist sensors. Anything that’s blocking the sensors is gonna cause the failure of the system. Such as dirt, snow, ice, mud, grime, etc.

Solution: Clean The Park Assist Sensors

It’s possible to get rid of the warning message just by cleaning them. Unless you deal with the service park assist system jeep won’t start issue.

To clean the park assist sensors you’ll be needing-

Take a bucket and add car shampoo with the advisable amount of water. Soak the cloth in the water solution and then rinse. Gently rub the cloth on the sensors to remove the dirt around them.

To achieve effective coverage and grime removal, use a circular motion using the tip of your finger. You can use the same process to clean the FCW sensor and the camera sensor as well.

Reason-02: Faulty Park Assist Sensors

If the warning message still persists after cleaning the sensors then it means any of the sensors are faulty. So, you have to figure out which park assist sensors are faulty.

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Solution-01: Test The Park Assist Sensors

To test the park assist sensors, follow these steps as your guideline.

Step-1: Turn Off The Park Assist System

Go to the settings menu of your vehicle and press the Park Assist button.

Turn Off The Park Assist System

Pressing on the turn-off button will turn off the park assist system. You can also turn it off by turning the steering wheel.

Step-2: Locating The Parking Sensors

Park assist sensors are usually located on the rear bumper of your jeep. It’s fitted in the rear bumper to avoid reversing mishaps. But some cars have them located in the front bumper as well.

Locating The Parking Sensors

Newer, higher-specified vehicles will often include parking sensors in both front and rear. These ultrasonic sensors can sense objects that are in an area about 4 feet in front of the vehicle.

The sensors can sense objects in an area about 8 feet in the back of the vehicle. Just like how the angle sensor shows error code c123f, the park assist sensors causes warning messages.

Step-3: Testing The Sensors

One easy way to diagnose the bad sensor is by using a small microphone. Touch the microphone on the sensors and you’ll hear some clicking or beating sound.

The one that doesn’t produce any sound is the faulty one. So you can pick it, inspect it and replace it. A more correct way of testing them is by doing it with a multimeter. Here’s how-

  • First, you remove all the sensors from the bumper and switch the multimeter to 2000k ohms.
  • Find the pin numbers on the sensor terminals. You’ll find three pins with labels 1, 2, 3. Use your phone camera to get a better view of the numerals if you can’t see them.
  • Touch the red probe on pin no 1 and the black to pin no 2.
  • Collect the result.
  • Now, switch the multimeter to 20k ohms.
  • Touch the probes again in a repeated manner and take readings.

The reading in your multimeter should have a number near 10 on 20k ohms and 1000 on 2000k ohms. If the numbers are less than 9.7 on 20k ohm and 800-900 on 2000k ohm, then it’s faulty.

If the readings are not up to the correct range, then the sensor has to be replaced. EKYLIN Parking Sensors & Tiemahun LED Parking Sensors are popular choices.

Park assist sensor’s cost ranges from $10 to $450. The cost of camera replacement ranges from $645 to $660.

The installation costs will be about $58-$74. The average cost of fixing faulty park assist is about $50-$250. The vehicle model, region, and number of faulty components affect the cost.

Solution-02: Reset The Park Assist System

Cleaning and fixing the sensors should solve the “service park assist system” error message. But if the message still appears, you can try resetting the park assist system.

Although different vehicle modules have different ways to reset the system, a few common ways apply to all.

Method-1: Using Park Assist Button

To monitor the park assist system, you can use the park assist button. It’s located at the central console. When the system is activated, the button will light up.

When the system is turned off, the indicator light also goes off. To reset the park assist system, long press the Park Help button and wait for 5-10 seconds.

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You’ll hear a beep sound and the park assist system starts to reset immediately after it. For Honda or Acura vehicles, the park assist button has to be pressed 10 times in 10 seconds.

Additionally, you’ve to turn the ignition off and press hold the park assist button. While holding the button, turn on the ignition and wait for 10-15 seconds and the system will reset.

If the reset is successful, the buzzer chimes twice to alert. The procedure will fail if there are any electrical problems on the corresponding lines.

Depending on your vehicle model, the procedure might differ sometimes. Take help from the owner’s manual or customer care for more details on your vehicle model.

Method-2: Disconnecting Battery From The Reset Module

Another method of restarting the park assist system is by disconnecting the battery. After disconnecting you’d have to wait about 15 minutes so that the car can restart completely.

But this method has its cons as well. As you disconnect the battery the vehicle computer will lose its memory. Then you’d have to worry about resetting the car computer’s memory again.

Because things like shifting points, the combination of fuel and air, and preset radio are to be forgotten.

Reason-03: Faulty Park Assist Module

The park assist module is sometimes in charge of sending power and receiving signals from the parking sensors.

If the module has failed, it won’t be able to transmit or receive the signals from the sensors. This will lead to park assist malfunction.

Solution: Reset/Replace

If you suspect that the park assist module is faulty, then try resetting it. See the solution mentioned here The resetting procedure is explained there.

If resetting doesn’t solve the problem, it might need repair or replacement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Can a park assist system failure be caused by battery problems?

Draining battery can cause electrical malfunction and affect the park assist system. Even after the engine is turned off, one part of the system continues to consume power and slowly drains the battery. It affects the park assist service. Replace the battery if it keeps draining all the time.

How do I turn the park assist back on?

The park assist system has a “Park Assist” button to activate and disable it. It is behind the steering wheel and located on the dashboard. For most vehicles, you can activate the system by pressing it. But different models may have different procedures. See the owner’s manual for details.

Why is my park assist blocked?

Your vehicle’s park assist system is blocked due to dirty or failing sensors. The warning can show up for other reasons too. Extreme weather, high speed, running off-road are some of the reasons. Towing a trailer and trailer hitch can also cause the warning to pop up.


That was about Service Park Assist system jeep. Hopefully, now you know the cause behind this warning sign and figured out how to solve the problem.

Don’t hesitate to receive professional help if it seems too complicated to solve alone. Make sure to leave your vehicle to an authorized dealer.


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