h e l p!Cayenne turbo!Какое масло заливать двигатель
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Какое масло заливать в каен 05г.4.5л 450л.с.
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На данный момент залит кастрол 0 w 40! Машинка кушает масло!
Есть ли смысл залить мотюль 5w40 или мобил 0w40
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Since you are a Porsche owner, it is best to use the best motor oil for Porsche Cayenne Turbo. You might have heard about synthetic oils or other types of oils, but what does that mean? What type of oil should you be using in your car? In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best motor oils available on the market and how they can help keep your vehicle running optimally. We’ll also talk about why these best-in-class products make a difference when compared with conventional alternatives.
Porsche is best known for its luxury sports cars. But what many people don’t know is that Porsche also makes SUVs, like the Cayenne Turbo. If you own a Porsche with a turbo engine, then it’s important to use the best motor oil available. You can find out more about this in our article on selecting the best motor oil for your Porsche Cayenne Turbo!
Oil serves as a lubricant and cooler for all of your car’s moving components. As a result, the engine oil should be inspected on a regular basis and kept at the appropriate level.
We recommend that you have your engine oil changed at an authorized Porsche retailer.
The new 4.0L Porsche Cayenne Turbo takes 9.5 quarts of 0W-40 oil with a filter. Porsche recommends using Mobil 1 engine oil (or any other oil that meets Porsche A40 oil specs).
4.8L 8-cyl CYXA Turbo engine:
4.8L 8-cyl 4802 engine: