Пикап в логистике это

When working with a container pickup and delivery service, it’s common practice to load and unload cargo, but what does it entail? The first step is to be as informed as possible as to what container pickup and drop off means, and how it works. Read this blog to find two popular methods and how best you can be prepared.

Imagine you’ve just purchased a container you’ve been looking for, now comes the task of the box being delivered to you. How will you get it? What’s the process that goes into it? You’ll need a reliable container pickup and drop off service and choosing one doesn’t have to be a drag. Let’s start by understanding the meaning:

What does container pickup and drop off mean?

Container pickup and drop off refers to the process of containers being picked up at a location and then dropped off at a warehouse where they then wait to be transported to their destination. In some cases, the containers are picked up right at your specific location.

So how do these containers get picked up and dropped off? Read on to find out about two kinds of container pickup and drop off methods:

2 types of container pickup and drop off methods

There are different methods of container pickup and drop off, let’s go through them a little more:

Full container pickup and drop off

A full container pickup and drop off means that a full container is delivered to a customer’s warehouse for unloading. This usually occurs after hiring a container pick up or delivery service. Or, in the case of international relocation, directly to and from your front door.

Empty container pickup and drop off

Empty container pickup and drop off is when a driver drops off a full container at a warehouse and returns after some time to pick up the empty container. Sometimes, after dropping off the container at the warehouse, the driver then picks up a different, empty container instead of the original before he leaves.

But how are these containers loaded, picked up and dropped off? There are quite a few ways. Let’s take a look at some ways your container can be picked up and dropped off:

How are containers picked up and dropped off?

ways for container pickup and drop off

Tilt bed Tilt bed trailers are used for loading and unloading large equipment and machinery. There are two types: complete tilt deck trailers and industrial tilt deck trailers. The deck of a full-tilting trailer completely tilts when loading or unloading containers.
Chassis What is a chassis? Chassis, in freight & logistics, refers to a skeleton framework with wheels on it used to move containers. It is also called intermodal chassis or container chassis. Similar to . More A chassis What is a chassis? Chassis, in freight & logistics, refers to a skeleton framework with wheels on it used to move containers. It is also called intermodal chassis or container chassis. Similar to . More is a type of trailer or undercarriage that’s used to move shipping containers on land. It’s usually required for truck transport, however, a small fee is charged.
Flatbed A flatbed truck is a large vehicle that has a flat body with no sides or roof surrounding the bed. These trucks are mainly used to deliver oversized cargo that won’t be damaged by harsh weather or rough roads.
Side loader A side loader is made up of two side lifting cranes and a trailer. There are 4 ways to use a side loader: lifting from ground level, transferring to a chassis What is a chassis? Chassis, in freight & logistics, refers to a skeleton framework with wheels on it used to move containers. It is also called intermodal chassis or container chassis. Similar to . More , stacking containers, and road transportation.
Crane truck A crane truck is a movable boom crane placed on an industrial truck. It can be used to lift compacted cargo using hooks, grabs, and slings.
Crane services A crane service is used to move heavy objects from one place to another. You can use this service to load or unload your containers.
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Now let’s look at how to prepare for container pickup and drop off:

How to prepare for container pickup and drop off

In the logistics industry, it’s highly important for you to be as prepared as possible to avoid unwanted spending on minor mishaps. Here are some ways you can prepare for container pickup and drop off:

  • Make sure the pickup/drop off site is big enough – You need to make sure the drop off/pickup site is large enough for a container, as they come in different sizes such as 20ft, 40ft and 40ft HC.
  • Check the ground level – Make sure the ground on which your container is placed is level. Level ground means the container remains steady and is easier to load/unload.
  • Footings – If your ground isn’t level, use footings, which can be placed underneath the container, to level the space.
  • Truck access – Check if the site has truck access for your container to be picked up/dropped off.

Now that you’re prepared for your container to be picked up and dropped off, we can talk about a container drop. Have you heard of it? If not, let’s get into that a bit more:

What is a container drop in logistics?

A container drop is when a truck driver arrives at a destination warehouse and leaves without waiting for it to be unloaded, this can be referred to as a live unload. The driver does return to pickup the empty container within 48 hours.

This is the most cost-effective method of a container drop but only works if the warehouse has containers that arrive every few days. So, when does it happen?

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When is a container drop implemented?

A container drop is implemented by a company when they’re trying to avoid delivery dates or waiting time charges. This is done in warehouses that have secured yards or loading docks where containers can be stored. In this way, the containers become the responsibility of the warehouse until they are picked up by the driver.

Now that you’re all clued up on container pickup and drop off, you’ll need a container! Wondering where to get one? Container xChange has you covered.

Get your next container on Container xChange

Container xChange is the world’s first neutral container marketplace. Start fresh and forget about surfing various sites to compare prices, find the containers you need with ease under one platform — Container xChange!
Connect and deal with 1,500+ reliable, reputable, and trustworthy partners here. Say goodbye to spending hours vetting sellers on your own. All of our members undergo mandatory background checks, so you can rest assured that you are only dealing with safe players. Transform your adventure of finding a container into a safe and seamless experience with Container xChange.

If you’re tired of additional commissions driving up the final container price, you’re in the right place because here you can buy containers at 0% commission.

Are you ready to get your next container? Click the banner below to start your journey with us!


Container pickup and drop off: Common FAQs

What is a container drop?

A container drop is when a truck driver arrives at a destination warehouse and leaves without waiting for it to be unloaded. This can also be referred to as a live unload.

What are container pickup charges?

A container pickup charge is a one-time fee for each container picked up at the POL. The pickup charge for each contract is negotiated between the container owner and the user.

What is a port of loading?

A port of loading refers to a port where cargo is put onto a maritime vessel for travel.

Container pickup and drop off: Know the types [+how to prepare]

Container pickup and drop off is an integral part of the industry. Learn about what it means and how best to prepare for it in this blog.


Pickup &Delivery: реализация принципа забора и доставки в Маппе

Pickup & Delivery

Pickup & Delivery – это принцип организации доставки, при котором водитель забирает товар со склада поставщика или партнера и доставляет прямиком клиенту. Собственные склады для хранения товара не используются. Другой вариант реализации – забор товаров с нескольких складов для доставки по одной заявке.

Например, интернет-магазин бытовой техники сотрудничает с несколькими производителями стиральных машинок и не имеет собственного склада для хранения ассортимента. При заказе клиента с сайта доставка будет организована так: водитель сначала заберет стиральную машинку со склада производителя и отвезет ее по адресу клиента.

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2. Кто использует принцип

Принцип Pickup & Delivery наилучшим образом подходит, когда масштаб бизнеса еще не велик. Например, небольшому интернет-магазину поддерживать работу собственного склада ресурсозатратно, а пункты хранения поставщиков или производителей находятся в непосредственной близости от области доставки.

Принцип Pickup & Delivery незаменим, если доставка осуществляется с забором груза с нескольких складов.

Допустим, дистрибьютор продуктов питания использует для скоропортящейся продукции один склад, а для товаров долгого хранения другой. В заказ магазина-клиента попадают позиции с двух складов, и водитель заезжает в обе точки, чтобы собрать весь ассортимент для доставки.

Читайте историю автоматизации логистики с использованием принципа Pickup & Delivery в кейсе PetLine, дистрибьютора товаров для животных. До автоматизации наиболее опытный водитель изучал план, а далее распределял заказы по всем водителям, фиксируя намеченные маршруты на бумаге. Водители часто не справлялись с обозначенным объемом доставок. Ручное планирование становилось причиной ошибочных доставок. После начала работ в Маппе процесс планирования доставок ускорился в 6 раз.

3. Выгоды от использования

Использование Pickup & Delivery в организации логистики позволяет:

1) Избавиться от перегрузок на промежуточных складах
Организация собственного складского хранения сопряжена не только с дополнительными финансовыми затратами, но и усложняет процессы доставки, добавляя в планирование еще одно логистическое плечо.

2) Ускорить доставку клиенту
Затраты времени на перегрузки сложно оценить заранее, а расчет объема наличия необходимого товара на собственном складе невозможен без дополнительного ПО. Доставляя напрямую клиенту, организация не столкнется с такой проблемой.

3) Эффективно организовать доставку из сети собственных складов
Сценарий Pickup & Delivery решит проблему ручного формирования маршрутов для водителей. Алгоритм не ошибется и не забудет, что водителю нужно заехать на склад №1, склад №2 и склад №3 прежде, чем отправляться к клиенту. Кроме того, маршрут будет построен по оптимальной траектории.

Как и любой другой бизнес-процесс, доставка по Pickup & Delivery сопряжена с рисками. Партнеры могут задержать загрузку с собственных складов. Планирование сложного маршрута предъявляет дополнительные требования к учетной системе.

Модуль логиста Маппа минимизирует риски срыва доставки, а аналитики команды «РАУ АйТи» помогают построить бизнес-процессы, исключая узкие места в организации логистики.

4. Схема доставки

Существует две базовых схемы использования Pickup & Delivery:

Они реализованы в Маппе, и логист может использовать их при планировании новых маршрутов.

5. Как подключить в Маппе для 1С и МойСклад

Принцип Pickup & Delivery подключается при использовании алгоритма маршрутизации.

В системе 1С необходимо зайти во вкладку Общие настройки.

В сервисе МойСклад зайдите в приложение Маппа: Логистика, вкладка Настройки → Дополнительно.

Чтобы подключить связку Pickup & Delivery или настроить ее под ваши бизнес-процессы обращайтесь к специалистам «РАУ АйТи»:

  • По вопросам установки и поддержки Telegram | WhatsApp | info@mappa-logistics.ru | 88123092903
  • Telegram-канал логиста – https://t.me/mappalogistics
  • Instagram «РАУ АйТи» – https://www.instagram.com/rau_it/

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