Лего land rover discovery

Landrover 4 x 4

Help your fellow builder by leaving your feedback based on these three criteria:

  • Originality: How original is this — never seen before?
  • Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
  • Details: Express how much you like the details of the build.

Your feedback is only shown to the creator as well as yourself. It is not available for other users to see. The creator won’t see your user name.

Improved Designs

We have attended a number of events over the past year which we have had some fantastic feedback from both LEGO shows and Land Rover shows which we thank you all for. Its great to see how children have been inspired at some of the shows and then want to go home and build things they have seen and dads want to go home and get their Lego back out and play Lego. It is what Lego is all about.

Some recent comments we have had are:-

«Best thing I have seen all day at the show»

«Wow, I thought this was a real Lego set»

«How much are you selling them for, I want one»

This has really encouraged us and we have made some improvements following these shows, these include the ride height, the scale of the model is also now more correct and much more robust resulting in a much lower brick count of around 800.
Myself along with my son think we have also managed to keep all the detail from before and also managed to add a few others along with keeping the engine / seats interchangeable.

My son thought he would make some other improvements to show that just like the real thing with the addition of a few other LEGO parts you can totally transform it into the real off roader.

and there are always the other models

Please keep supporting us and encourage family and friends to register to get us to that magical 10,000 supporters review stage and hopefully one day you can see this in a LEGO shop making me one of the proudest Dads and a very happy family.

LEGO LAND ROVER has over 7,200 supporters!

A BIG thank you to Land Rover for inviting us to the new Discovery launch along with seeing the world record for the largest Lego Bridge structure. Just amazing! Of course we did get a few pictures of our Lego Land Rover while we were there and these are posted on our social media, if you search Lego Land Rover you should be able to see us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Plus a Big thank you to all that have already supported us, the feedback we get is great and we as a family love the comments made it would be a great achievement to get the 10,000 supporters and the best feeling in the world if we can get to go into the LEGO shop or Land Rover show room and see our idea and say we helped do that as without your support we cannot do it.
We have added a few pictures of our more radical Land Rover and will follow up next time with some pictures of our original with the improvements that many have requested “higher ride height”, “slightly shorter”. We have made a few improvements like a better dashboard, better windscreen fit and a few more minor details.
We have more Lego/Land Rover shows to go to before Christmas so we may see you around, we all love going to the shows and it has really helped 11 year old Ben to gain some confidence speaking to all the new people (and some we bump into frequently at the shows) so it has been great for us all. Sometimes we think what did we do before we started this project as it does take over your life but to be honest it is great it is something we can all do as a family as we all have a part to play and we do it together.
So if you haven’t registered please do and if you already have please spread it on to family/friends as so long as they are over 13 and have an email address they can support us, every vote counts. Much appreciated!

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Lego Land Rover New Additions

Welcome to our update, it has taken us a while to get it done with one thing and another but here we are:-

Firstly we have the Land Rover Series II LWB which we have been asked a few times for so hope you like that one.

Then we have the improved Series III which is now even stronger than before and we have also managed to fix the windscreen issue so it sits much better on the body of the car.

Our thoughts have gone to the idea that this could be a kit as there is not a great brick difference between the models, a lot of parts are just the same just with a few additions so this would give people the option to build the model they prefer as over the past few months we have probably been asked for them all. Latest requests have been for the Series I, an ambulance and fire services version and a Police version all of which we think could be achieved just by changing a few bricks that people probably have at home in their own collection of Lego pieces. These are something we will probably have a go at, at some point and see this as something people can have a go at themselves if they have the basic model. We will post that as a further update.

We have been to a few Land Rover shows exhibiting our Series III and Defender and feedback was great, very realistic we were told and other suggestions/improvements which we think we have now made and this was acknowledged at further Land Rover events. We have also exhibited at our first Lego show this weekend and really enjoyed that too. A lot of people have said how they look even better in the flesh which of course is nice to hear. Rather encouragingly a lot of people also thought they were actually a current Lego model and wanted to know about purchasing one! They also thought it a great tribute to the end of the traditional Land Rovers.

Even though there were signs saying Do Not Touch at the Lego Show we did let the kids (some of them big!) have a play after all to us that is part of what Lego is all about. The kids liked taking the roof off, opening all the doors and pushing them around our garage/workshop display and just generally having fun with it until it was time to move on and then they put it back as it was and walked away feeling pleased with themselves! As you can see from some of our pictures the updated Series III had a few modifications to it after fellow exhibitors spotted our «off road» tyres in the garage and then raided their spares box to then give the Land Rover the off road look — it was all good fun and great to have everyone working together throwing ideas in with the pieces that were to hand. Then another exhibitor cleared his mining display in order for the modified Land Rover of the day to do a bit of off roading, as you can see by the photo 😉

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While posting we did promise after a request some time ago now that we would post a picture of the Defender with a white roof on and so here it is just for you Saabfan 🙂

People have been really enthusiastic and so we hope people take the 5 minutes to register and support us and help us get to that 10,000 supporters in order to go into the review process — next milestone is the 5,000 halfway point which we hope to cross soon! Hope you like what you see and as always do feel free to give us some feedback so we know how we are getting on!

Alternative Version — Defender

Ok here is our update we have been working on — hope you like it! It is of course the Defender. Given there is not a great deal of difference in pieces we thought it could be a kit where you can choose which you build depending on your own preference. Obviously there are compromises like having the Series in one colour. You could of course modify it with your own white pieces if it was produced as a kit, which people do tend to have plenty of! As with the Series III we have tried to make it as realistic as we can, this includes highly detailed 2.2 Diesel engine and reclining seats with opening centre console!

As previously any feedback or suggestions are most welcome!

We have also completed a Series 2 long wheel base, just needs a bit of tidying up and then will post that for you to look at.
We like to think Lego would produce this kit as a tribute to all Land Rovers and as such you would be able to build most models from it. It may end up that adults build the one they own whereas children could build one and then try another hence the fun of taking it apart and re-building and keeping the interest alive.

If you do like our project then please do support us and share it with your friends. We have over 3100 supporters so help us get to that 10,000 and into Lego review stage. Thank you!

1,000 votes reached!

Wow what a week we have had! Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all our supporters and to those who have helped us share it around. Please keep sharing our project as we can’t do this without you and would love to get our Lego Land Rover into review. Once again thank you and thank you for your feedback! Our Lego Land Rover will be appearing in Land Rover Monthly next edition so look out for that!

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Project detail update

Nearly at 500 supporters. A big thanks to everyone who has supported and shared so far. Only you can make this happen.
Please help us gain the support and get to 10,000. Feel free to share with your friends/colleagues!

We have some great news that Land Rover Monthly Magazine are now behind us and going to feature an article all about our Lego Land Rover —
Land Rover Monthly : http://www.lrm.co.uk/

We have redesigned the chassis making the engine removable and separate from the body along with increasing the ride height as people requested.

Optional lighting and winch can easily be fitted to the front.

Please check out our Flickr stream for bigger pictures:

More improvement to come —
Let us know your suggestions —


DoubleBrick.ru — форум о LEGO®


Вау! Очень достойно и очень похоже! Даже по-другому и не скажешь. Разве что я бы решетку радиатора сделал все-таки черной. Насколько мне известно, у Дискавери III, решетка всегда черная и ее расцветка не зависит от цвета кузова.

1000 постов позади.. Клавиши не дымятся!

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Re: Land Rover Discovery

Сообщение Nemo 57cs___V34 » Пн июн 16, 2014 9:30 pm

amidg4x4 писал(а): Вау! Очень достойно и очень похоже! Даже по-другому и не скажешь. Разве что я бы решетку радиатора сделал все-таки черной. Насколько мне известно, у Дискавери III, решетка всегда черная и ее расцветка не зависит от цвета кузова.

Спасибо, на фотке наверху с оригиналом написано дискавери 3, а решетка белая, но я в их номерах не разбираюсь, Вам виднее.

game master Обозреватель Сообщения: 2146 Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 10:58 am Контактная информация:

Re: Land Rover Discovery

Сообщение game master » Пт июн 27, 2014 2:58 pm

Очень красиво получившаяся и безусловно похожая на оригинал модель. Браво!
Особо понравилось то, что благодаря своеобразию оригинала чёрные детали надколесных крыльев здесь смотрятся логично и к месту. Эх. ещё бы возможность сажать двоих бы в ряд — и модель была бы верхов совершенства! Ну тут уж без скальпеля ничего не сделать, увы, дефект самого конструктора.
Смотрю за эти три месяца Вы сделали очень многое. Искренне рад.

Re: Land Rover Discovery

Сообщение Nemo 57cs___V34 » Пт авг 01, 2014 10:03 pm

game master писал(а): Очень красиво получившаяся и безусловно похожая на оригинал модель. Браво!
Особо понравилось то, что благодаря своеобразию оригинала чёрные детали надколесных крыльев здесь смотрятся логично и к месту. Эх. ещё бы возможность сажать двоих бы в ряд — и модель была бы верхов совершенства! Ну тут уж без скальпеля ничего не сделать, увы, дефект самого конструктора.
Смотрю за эти три месяца Вы сделали очень многое. Искренне рад.


Только заметил комментарий. Спасибо. Когда много собираешь, все смешивается, когда собирал эту модель, дособирался до того, что в каком-то первом варианте лендровера повторил практически на 100% вот эту модель

думаю, где это я уже видел ?
А один раз, пол-поезда скоростного собрали, так через полгода лего выпустило горизонт с точно такими же деталями и точно такой же мордой, а мы не успели до конца собрать, надо было хотя бы пол-морды выставить, чтобы их обвинить в плагиате .


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