Бизон пикап гта 5

Bison in GTA 5

The Bison is a pickup truck in GTA 5 manufactured by Bravado. The Bravado Bison belongs to the vans vehicle class in the game even though it is a pickup truck by its looks. This vehicle is power-packed and performs averagely on road as well as off-road. It appears in multiple missions in different variants, such as the Epsilon variant.


  1. Bison Information
  2. Design and Performance
  3. Modifications
  4. Prominent appearance in missions
  5. Locations
    1. Standard
    2. McGill-Olsen
    3. The Mighty Bush
    1. Q. How fast is the Bison in GTA 5?
    2. Q. What is the Bison in GTA 5?
    3. Q. How do you get the Bison in GTA 5?

    Bison Information

    Name Bison
    Vehicle Class Vans
    Vehicle Type Civilian vehicle
    Body Style Double-cab pickup truck
    Capacity 6 (Standard variant)4 (driver and three passengers; McGill-Olsen and Mighty Bush variants)
    Manufacturer Bravado
    Appearance(s) GTA V
    GTA Online

    Design and Performance

    The Bison is a pick up truck that belongs to the vans vehicle class in the game. It is manufactured by Bravado. Its design is based on the fourth generation Dodge Ram. The standard variant of the Bison can accommodate 6 people with two in front and four people on the cargo bed. It has a muscular design with a chrome finish front grille that carries the Bravado logo. The headlights are rectangular with the turn indicators stretching onto the front edges of the vehicle. Below the headlights are fog lights attached to the bumpers of this vehicle. The tail lights are placed similarly to the headlights but are longer and broader and have no reverse lights. The rear bumper has a chrome finish above which is the Bravado logo with a 4v4 lettering also with a chrome finish. The Bison does not have any modifications that can be made to the outer body except for respray, wheels and lights.

    The Bravado Bison is packed with power and is specially used in a mission to pull down a house by attaching the house’s support to the vehicle using the winch on the vehicle. It has poor acceleration but great handling and a good enough top speed for a pickup truck/van. Making turns at high speeds feels rather tough and heavy as the vehicle also lifts during high-speed cornering. This vehicle has a 4-wheel drive layout and is with a V8 engine that is advertised to produce 6000 horsepower. This vehicle can easily climb hills and steep slopes due to the layout and power.


    Category Modification Cost
    Armor No ArmorArmor Upgrade 20%Armor Upgrade 40%Armor Upgrade 60%Armor Upgrade 80%Armor Upgrade 100% $250$1,250$3,125$5,000$8,750$12,500
    Brakes Stock BrakesStreet BrakesSport BrakesRace Brakes $250$5,000$6,750$8,750
    Engine EMS Upgrade, Level 1EMS Upgrade, Level 2EMS Upgrade, Level 3EMS Upgrade, Level 4 $2,250$3,125$4,500$8,375
    Lights Stock LightsXenon Lights $200$400
    Plates Blue on White 1Blue on White 2Blue on White 3Yellow on blackYellow on Blue $50$50$50$75$150
    Suspension Stock SuspensionLowered SuspensionStreet SuspensionSport SuspensionCompetition Suspension $100$500$1,000$1,700$2,200
    Transmission Stock TransmissionStreet TransmissionSports TransmissionRace Transmission $250$7,375$8,125$10,000
    Turbo NoneTurbo Tuning $1,250$6,250
    Windows None Light SmokeDark SmokeLimo $100$200$150$700

    Prominent appearance in missions

    • The Mighty Bush Bison is seen during the mission Complications parked at Michael’s House. Franklin climbs over this vehicle to jump onto the roof.
    • The McGill-Olsen Bison is most used in the mission Marriage Counseling when Michael and Franklin chase Kyle Chavis with the vehicle after which Michael pulls Martin Madrazo’s house down using the winch of the Bison to pull the support away.
    • A red non-accessible Bison appears in the first mission for the Epsilon Program.
    • Other Bisons appear in the missions Chasing the Truth and Exercising the Truth in blue Epsilon variants.
    • Bisons appear in the first Rampage mission, where the Rednecks use orange Bisons while trying to kill Trevor.
    • Gray Bisons can be found in the sawmill during the mission Lamar Down.



    • Seen driven by NPCs in Blaine County, especially Sandy Shores.
    • Seen driven around in the Alta and Hawick areas.
    • Commonly found on all major highways in Los Santos and Blaine County.
    • Parked on the beach area in Paleto Bay, close to The Hen House.
    • Parked at the south west side of Los Santos International Airport.
    • Parked within the Zancudo Treatment Works at Fort Zancudo.
    • Parked at Harmony Truck Stop on Joshua Road near a Hauler, Packer and a Logs trailer.


    • Two of the McGill-Olsen Bisons are parked at the Redwood Lights Race track construction site near a Dozer.

    The Mighty Bush

    • Parked inside a fenced area near the restrooms at Cottage Park in Rockford Hills.
    • Parked at the Redwood Lights Track construction site, next to a Bobcat XL and Dubsta.
    • Found in a parking lot next to the greenhouses in south Grapeseed, east of the airfield.
    • Parked across the road from Hookies Seafood Diner.

    Notable Owners

    • Marnie Allen
    • Carlos
    • Debra
    • Floyd Hebert
    • Manuel
    • Ballas
    • Rednecks


    • The truck’s name parodies the Dodge Ram, as a bison and a ram are both terms for male bovidae.
    • The Bison has no reverse lights, like several other cars.
    • In game, the Bison is categorized as a Van instead of Utility.
    • The Bison can tow small–midsize trailers, such as the Utility trailer and Boat Trailer.

    FAQs about the Bison

    Q. How fast is the Bison in GTA 5?

    A. The Bravado Bison in GTA 5 has a top speed of around 113 mph as observed on the speedometer in first person perspective.

    Q. What is the Bison in GTA 5?

    A. The Bison is a pickup truck in GTA 5 manufactured by Bravado. It belongs to the vans vehicle class in the game.

    Q. How do you get the Bison in GTA 5?

    A. The Bravado Bison can be found parked at certain locations or is seen driven around San Andreas by NPCs. It can only be stolen and cannot be purchased in GTA 5 story mode. For more details on the locations of the Bravado Bison, refer to the locations section above, on this page.


    GTA 5 Bravado Bison

    GTA 5 Bravado Bison - вид спереди

    Bravado Bison, это четырехдверный пикап, доступный в GTA 5 и GTA Online.

    Благодаря двигателю F4V8, объемом 5.7 литра и мощностью 600 лошадиных сил, этот пикап, весом более чем две тонны, способен разогнаться до вполне приличных 209 км/ч, набирая скорость с нуля до 100 км/ч за 7.7 секунд. Полноприводное шасси обеспечивает хорошую управляемость на бездорожье, вполне достаточную для того, чтобы Bison мог с успехом участвовать в гонках. Огромный крутящий момент, позволяет этому пикапу с легкостью забираться на крутые склоны, а мощь двигателя была вполне наглядно продемонстрирована, когда Майкл и Франклин, при помощи этой машины, обрушили с холма целый особняк, принадлежащий новоиспеченному любовнику жены Майкла.

    В игре существует три варианта этой машины, отличающиеся только внешним видом:

    GTA 5 Bravado Bison - вид спереди GTA 5 Bravado Bison - вид сбокуGTA 5 Bravado Bison - вид сзади

    Bison фирмы McGill-Olsen Construction:

    GTA 5 Bravado Bison McGill - вид спереди GTA 5 Bravado Bison McGill - вид сбокуGTA 5 Bravado Bison McGill - вид сзади

    Bison фирмы The Mighty Bush:

    GTA 5 Bravado Bison Mighty Bush - вид спереди GTA 5 Bravado Bison Mighty Bush - вид сбокуGTA 5 Bravado Bison Mighty Bush - вид сзади

    Реальными прототипами для Bravado Bison послужили: 12-е поколение Ford F-150 и 4-е поколение Dodge Ram. Машину часто можно увидеть по всей карте, особенно часто на крупных шоссе. Покупка через Интернет обойдется в $30 000.

    Характеристики Bravado Bison из GTA 5.

    Скорость 209 км/ч (130 миль/час)
    Масса 2100 кг
    Вместимость 6 человек
    Двигатель бензиновый
    Привод полный
    Распределение тормозного усилия 55/45
    Повреждаемость при столкновении 100%
    Повреждаемость при деформации кузова 80%
    Повреждаемость стрелковым оружием 100%
    Повреждаемость двигателя 150%
    Цена покупки в GTA Online $30000
    Цена легальной продажи $18000
    Цена нелегальной продажи $3000


    GTA 5 Bravado Bison

    GTA 5 Bravado Bison - front view

    Bravado Bison, this four-door pickup available in GTA 5 and GTA Online.

    Thanks to the engine F4V8, with a volume of 5.7 liter capacity of 600 horsepower, this pickup truck, weighing more than two tons, capable of accelerating to quite decent 209 km/h, accelerating from zero to 100 km/h in 7.7 seconds. All-wheel drive chassis provides good handling on the roads, it is sufficient to Bison could successfully participate in the races. Huge torque allows the truck to easily climb steep slopes, and the power of the engine was quite clearly demonstrated when Michael and Franklin, with the help of this machine, brought down from the hill, a mansion belonging to the newly made wife lover Michael.

    In the game there are three variants of this car, differing only in appearance:

    GTA 5 Bravado Bison - front view GTA 5 Bravado Bison - side viewGTA 5 Bravado Bison - rear view

    Bison firm McGill-Olsen Construction:

    GTA 5 Bravado Bison McGill - front view GTA 5 Bravado Bison McGill - side viewGTA 5 Bravado Bison McGill - rear view

    Bison firm The Mighty Bush:

    GTA 5 Bravado Bison Mighty Bush - front view GTA 5 Bravado Bison Mighty Bush - side viewGTA 5 Bravado Bison Mighty Bush - rear view

    The actual prototypes for Bravado Bison served: 12th generation Ford F-150, and 4th generation Dodge Ram. The car can often be seen throughout the map, especially on major highways. Buying over the Internet costs $30 000.

    Features Bravado Bison GTA 5.

    Speed 209 km/h (130 mph)
    Weight 2100 kg
    Capacity 6 people
    Engine petrol
    Drivetrain AWD
    Brake force distribution 55/45
    Damage in the collision 100%
    Damage during the deformation of the body 80%
    Damaging small arms 100%
    Damaging the engine 150%
    The purchase price in GTA Online $30000
    The price of legal sale $18000
    The illegal sale price $3000



    The Bison used to be the pick-up truck of choice for farmers and construction workers until Bravado realized they could double the price and market it to emasculated urban types desperate to feel like men again.

    The Bravado Bison is a midsize double-cab pickup truck that appears in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


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