2ded ошибка bmw x5 e70

2ded ошибка bmw x5 e70

Jus got back from a long drive and on my way home, maybe the last 2 min. of my drive the engine light is on in the corner, but does not limp or flash on the main screen, just the engine light comes on. I have procede rev.2 and I did switch a map during the 1hr drive.

I BT scanned the car and the code I got was 2DED. I then cleared it.

2DED Power management, standby current control
Error will not cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed

I have gotten this code month’s ago when I had my jb3, I cleared it and it didnt come back. And so it came back again. I have not installed any tune since the switch I made 8 months ago. I also just updated my procede to the newest beta lagfix2 maps and software. What could it be? This is the 4th time it has appeared. Any history with this code shiv?

According to the BT code list posted as a sticky on this forum:

2DED Power management, standby current control
Error will not cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
EXPLANATION: The closed circuit current momentarily exceeds its threshold value when the TCU wakes up to perform the «Stolen Vehicle Recovery» function. This should not cause a discharged battery.
FIX: Take to dealer.

My guess is that something is drawing power when it shouldn’t and the DME is wondering what is going on. Do you have any aftermarket electronics installed? Stereo amps, lights, etc,. IIRC, we saw similar power consumption codes back, years ago, when we were tapping power from the battery terminal (constant 12v) and not from switched 12v power. Have you installed anything that does that?

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Ошибка BMW 2DED

Ошибка 2DED у автомобиля BMW была обновлена 15:07. Определить ошибку в автомобиле BMW можно через диагностический прибор через соединение OBD2. Если у вас определена ошибка под номером 2DED — тогда прочитайте ее обозначение согласно официальным техническим регламентам автомобиля BMW.

Дословный перевод этого кода с немецкого языка – «управление электропитанием, неудовлетворительный ток покоя». Проблему надо искать в проводке, прозванивать все провода, подключенные к блоку управления мотором. Также причина может заключаться в генераторе или аккумуляторной батарее.

Приветствуется любая корректная, полезная и честная информация о ремонте ошибки 2DED у автомобиля BMW.

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