Over 20 years ago we asked ourselves if a sports car could celebrate more than the individual. The provided the answer. And it continues to perfect it to this day. For people who want to tread their own path.
To the office today, off-road or on the racetrack tomorrow – the offers driving pleasure on every terrain, paired with the design typical of a .
In addition to comfort and sportiness on the road, the enhanced chassis systems also increase performance on demanding terrain.
Equipped with matrix LED headlamps as standard, the HD matrix LED headlamps with over 64,000 pixels now increase functionality even further.
Available for the first time on the models: the new Driver Experience operating and display concept designed for the driver.
The infotainment system with CarPlay®, Spotify, Android Auto and in-car video expands the digital possibilities. For example, videos can be streamed on the passenger display while driving.
All models can be equipped with numerous assistance systems that further increase driving comfort and improve safety.
The models have a new generation of batteries for an increased electric range. In addition, a new electric motor with 130 kW power ensures superior driving performance in e-mode.
You now have an overview of the highlights of the models. More details are available in these sections.
With 64,000 camera-controlled pixels, the HD matrix LED headlamps with innovative pixel LED technology react to every driving situation with light distribution adapted to the situation. For example, the glare-free high beam, illumination of the exact driving lane, mapping of the vehicle width in construction zones and narrow areas, as well as the fog-optimised dipped beam and rain light ensure greater safety and a high level of comfort.
Standard 20-inch and other 21- and 22-inch wheels optimise handling with a new tyre size. Fundamental revisions to the chassis and a new adaptive air suspension ensure both greater comfort and increased performance. Active Suspension Management (PASM) is included in all the models.
An electrically extendable trailer hitch is available as an option for the models. It can be operated at the push of a button and offers a maximum of 3.500 kg braked and 750 kg unbraked towed weight as well as a maximum hook load of 140 kg.
Depending on the model and equipment, the spacious luggage compartment offers up to 772 l storage volume. The luggage compartment can hold up to 1.708 l thanks to the 40:20:40 folding rear seats. The cargo management is available on request: a variable system for the secure transport of items in the luggage compartment. It includes two attachment rails integrated into the floor of the luggage compartment and a partition net.
* All new vehicles offered by are type-approved according to WLTP. Official NEDC values derived from WLTP values are no longer available for new vehicles as of 1 January 2023 and can therefore not be provided.
Where values are indicated as ranges, they do not refer to a single, specific vehicle and are not part of the offered product range. They are only for the purposes of comparison between different vehicle types. Additional equipment and accessories (add-on parts, tyre formats etc.) can change relevant vehicle parameters such as weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics. These factors, in addition to weather, traffic conditions and driving behaviour, can influence the fuel/electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions, range and performance values of a vehicle.
More information about the differences between WLTP and NEDC is available at www.porsche.com/wltp.
** Important information about the all-electric models can be found here.
Typically driver-oriented in the style of the new Driver Experience: the digital instrument cluster with a 12.65-inch curved display places the displays concisely in the field of vision. Various display formats can be selected: typical round instruments, map section in the central round instrument, full area navigation map, reduced view and the optional view with Night Vision Assist in the centre.
While the instrument cluster and the central display are tailored to the driver’s seat, the optional 10.9-inch touchscreen display is on the passenger side. It provides access to navigation and infotainment functions, among others. It can provide assistance with route planning as well as insight into the data of the instrument cluster. With the optional in-car video, videos can be streamed on the front passenger display while driving — which are only visible to the front passenger.
A stands for personal lived experience. The Driver Experience display and control concept gives new expression to this conviction: with new steering wheels that also integrate the operation of the assistance systems and other modes. With an engine start/stop button that sits where the ignition lock was traditionally found in a . And with a fully digital instrument cluster. For more focus on driving.
* All new vehicles offered by are type-approved according to WLTP. Official NEDC values derived from WLTP values are no longer available for new vehicles as of 1 January 2023 and can therefore not be provided.
Where values are indicated as ranges, they do not refer to a single, specific vehicle and are not part of the offered product range. They are only for the purposes of comparison between different vehicle types. Additional equipment and accessories (add-on parts, tyre formats etc.) can change relevant vehicle parameters such as weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics. These factors, in addition to weather, traffic conditions and driving behaviour, can influence the fuel/electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions, range and performance values of a vehicle.
More information about the differences between WLTP and NEDC is available at www.porsche.com/wltp.
** Important information about the all-electric models can be found here.
The S is powered by a newly developed 4.0-litre biturbo V8 engine with a maximum power output of 349 kW (474 PS) and a drag torque of 600 Nm. V8 engines stand for exceptional power output, high drag torque, low-vibration operation and a characteristic sound.
PASM is an electronic damping control system that is standard on all models. It actively and continuously controls the damping force according to the road conditions and driving mode. For reduced bodyshell movements and thereby more comfort on all seats. Four settings are available: ‘Normal’, ‘Sport’, ‘Sport Plus’ and ‘Off-road’.
The enhanced adaptive air suspension with full load-bearing air-spring struts in 2-chamber technology allows for an even greater combination of comfort and sportiness while at the same time maintaining the same ride comfort. The level system helps to maintain a constant ride height. By adjusting the height of the chassis, the ground clearance can be varied as required, for example during off-road use. The rear end can also be lowered for easier loading of the luggage compartment.
Whether you’re in the driver’s seat or a passenger: driving a should feel like a sport while still offering great comfort. The models manage this balancing act effortlessly: thanks to the enhanced chassis and technologies that adapt the chassis even better to the intended use — such as off-road use. Examples include the adaptive air suspension, the Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) for active roll stabilisation and the rear-axle steering.
That’s why all models are equipped with a brake system with six-piston aluminium monobloc fixed callipers at the front and four-piston aluminium monobloc fixed callipers at the rear. The one-piece, closed construction results in a very high dimensional stability. The pressure point is precise and the braking distance is impressively short.
Игорь Владимирский
Новый Cayenne постепенно обрастает модификациями - и после трех чисто бензиновых версий на рынок выходит гибрид. За приставкой E-Hybrid скрывается самый простой бензоэлектрический вариант, электрическая надстройка которого унифицирована с лифтбеком Porsche Panamera 4 E-Hybrid, хотя бензиновый мотор и коробка передач у двух моделей разные.
Итак, Cayenne E-Hybrid оснащен турбомотором V6 3.0 (340 л.с.) от базового кроссовера. Между ним и восьмиступенчатым «автоматом» установлен электродвигатель мощностью 136 л.с., а пиковая отдача силовой установки — 462 л.с. и 700 Нм вместо 416 л.с. и 590 Нм у гибридного Кайена прошлого поколения. Литий-ионная тяговая батарея с системой жидкостного охлаждения, как и раньше, расположена под полом багажника, но емкость увеличена с 10,8 до 14,1 кВт∙ч. Зарядка от бытовой розетки длится почти восемь часов, за доплату предусмотрена возможность подключения к «быстрому» терминалу.
Главная особенность новой гибридной установки — иная логика управления двумя моторами. Электрический двигатель вступает в работу с самого начала движения и не отлынивает даже при включении наиболее экстремальных ездовых режимов электроники. Причем если в большинстве пресетов система старается поддерживать заряд батареи, то в наиболее экстремальном режиме Sport+ допускается почти полный разряд аккумулятора, лишь бы электромотор до последнего показывал заявленную отдачу.
На чистом электричестве с полностью заряженной батареей Cayenne E-Hybrid может проехать до 44 км и разогнаться до 135 км/ч. Турбомотор подключается с помощью отдельного сцепления, которое теперь имеет электромеханический привод вместо прежнего электрогидравлического и срабатывает быстрее. Заявленный средний расход топлива — 3,2—3,4 л/100 км в зависимости от шин, хотя понятно, что в реальности таких показателей добиться почти невозможно.
Гибридный кроссовер снаряженной массой 2295 кг может разогнаться до 100 км/ч за 5,0 с, максимальная скорость — 253 км/ч. Для сравнения: показатели машины прежнего поколения — 5,9 с и 243 км/ч. При этом в электрическом режиме такой Cayenne может разогнаться до 60 км/ч за 6,3 с, а если хочется быстрее, то уже не обойтись без помощи бензинового двигателя.
Медиасистема гибрида обзавелась новыми функциями: например, можно удаленно со смартфона управлять климатической установкой и включить кондиционер, пока машина подключена к розетке, чтобы заранее охладить салон. Кроме того, с появлением версии E-Hybrid все семейство Кайенов обзавелось новыми опциями: это проекционный дисплей (впервые на автомобилях Porsche!), массажер в передних сиденьях, электрообогрев лобового стекла, адаптивный круиз-контроль Porsche InnoDrive, а также 22-дюймовые колеса (прежде самым большим был диаметр 21 дюйм). Внешних признаков гибридной версии не так уж много — это дополнительный лючок в левом борту для подключения зарядного устройства, оригинальные базовые колеса и зеленый цвет тормозных суппортов.
Porsche Cayenne E-Hybrid уже доступен для заказа, в Германии цены начинаются с 89820 евро, то есть «зеленая» версия оказалась чуть дешевле модификации Cayenne S (от 91960 евро). Появится гибрид и на российском рынке, но цена пока не объявлена. «Эска» у нас стоит минимум 6,5 млн рублей. Следом за версией E-Hybrid выйдут и более мощные бензоэлектрические варианты, включая топ-версию Turbo S E-Hybrid предполагаемой мощностью около 680 л.с.
Объявлена цена в России: Porsche Cayenne E-Hybrid стоит минимум 6 млн 934 тысячи рублей.