Porsche cayenne off road tuning

Вот так должен выглядеть настоящий внедорожник Porsche

Этому «Кайену» довелось немало повидать в своей жизни – например, от души попутешествовать по Южной Африке.

Первый кроссовер марки Porsche в свое время вызвал у фанатов немало вопросов, но в итоге оказалось, что ставку в Цуффенхаузене сделали правильную. Сейчас Cayenne считается одной из самых востребованных моделей марки, хотя вряд ли кто-то из его владельцев рискнет окунуться на «Кайене» в полноценную грязь.

Но не таков Porsche Cayenne, подготовленный немецким тюнинг-ателье Delta 4×4 специально для заказчика из Австрии по имени Шейн Оостхойзен. Зачем ему нужен был внедорожный «Кайен» и какова была его судьба, Шейн рассказал изданию Crazy About Porsche.

Галерея: Внедорожный Porsche Cayenne от Delta 4×4

Владелец экстравагантного кроссовера жил и работал в Австрии, но когда срок его контракта подошел к концу, Шейн решил отправиться на родину – в Южную Африку. И сделать это своим ходом – на Porsche Cayenne, который по случаю предстоящего трансконтинентального путешествия и прошел суровую подготовку.

По словам Оостхойзена, на строительство внедорожника ушло около года. В Delta 4×4 сосредоточили свои усилия в основном на доработке трансмиссии и подвески: первую снабдили понижающим рядом и блокировками дифференциалов, вторую в целом оставили штатной, но модифицировали блок управления пневмоэлементами подвески ради увеличения диапазона, в котором можно варьировать дорожный просвет. Кроме того, Cayenne обзавелся фирменными 20-дюймовыми колесными дисками Delta Klassik B с внедорожной резиной Cooper.

Больше сурового тюнинга:

Попутно кроссовер снабдили экспедиционным багажником, на котором размещены палатка и канистра для 40 дополнительных литров топлива, почти раллийной «люстрой», внушительным органайзером в багажнике и полноценным запасным колесом.


Уберите его с дороги! Офф-роуд тюнинг для Porsche Cayenne (видео)

А зря! У Porsche впечатляющая история создания внедорожных автомобилей и даже знаменитая «911» немало участвовала в раллийных гонках. В общем, на наш взгляд, Cayenne является идеальным донором для строительства хардкорного внедорожного бойца. И если вам нравится идея, но вы не готовы выложить миллион рублей за тюнинг, то у нас есть идеальное решение: купите Porsche Cayenne Turbo 2005 года выпуска, уже подготовленный для бездорожья и внесённый в аукционный каталог Bring a Trailer. Этот Cayenne оснащён 4.5-литровым V8 с двойным турбонаддувом мощностью 450 л.с. с 624 Нм крутящего момента. Мощность передаётся на все четыре колеса через шестиступенчатую автоматическую коробку передач и дополнительную блокировку заднего дифференциала. Кроме того, здесь установлен трёхдюймовый лифт, светодиодные фонари на крыше, калитка для запаски, люк с электроприводом и задний спойлер от более поздней модели Cayenne. Он также оснащён такими внедорожными деталями как защита днища, дополнительные канистры и непередаваемыми оранжевыми 18-дюймовыми колёсами от Cayenne 2010 года, обутыми в атэшные шины 265/65 R18 Kenda Klever. Кузов покрашен в серебристый металлик с оранжевой виниловой графикой в стиле Transsyberia. Салон обтянут гладкой чёрной кожей, регулируемым по мощности обогревом передних и задних сидений, двухзонным автоматическим климат-контролем и мультимедийной аудиосистемой Xtrons. Автомобиль продаётся с чистым отчётом по Carfax и за два дня до аукциона его цена составляет вполне разумные 18 250 долларов. Так что если вы хотели купить Porsche Cayenne для бездорожья, то лучше всего сделать это сейчас.

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Porsche Cayenne Transformed Into Hardcore Off-Roader

With high-performance SUVs like the Aston Martin DBX and Lamborghini Urus flooding the market, sports car and supercar manufacturers are capitalizing on the demand for SUVs to boost profits. But Porsche started this trend nearly 20 years ago with the launch of the Cayenne.

Launching an SUV with a Porsche badge was controversial at the time, but the gamble paid off as the Cayenne is one of Porsche’s best-selling models and remains on sale today in its third-generation guise. While the Cayenne isn’t the most off-road capable SUV on the market, aftermarket tuning companies are trying to change that. Recently, Gemballa announced plans to convert the Cayenne into a hardcore off-roader, but German tuner Delta4x4 has beaten them to the punch.



This custom Porsche Cayenne was built for Shane Oosthuizen, who plans to take the SUV on an epic off-road adventure. Speaking with Crazy About Porsche, Oosthuizen explains how he was working in Austria when his contract ended. So he’s going to use his modified Porsche Cayenne to go on an epic off-road adventure across two continents back to his hometown in South Africa. «At the end of my working contract, I knew I would have to go back home at some stage — so why not make an adventure of it?»

According to Google Maps, the journey takes seven and a half days, but Oosthuizen isn’t interested in setting the fastest time and estimates he will be on the road with his fiance for around three to four months. According to Oosthuizen, the extensive modifications took around a year to complete.



A Front Runner roof rack has been fitted to carry a tent and jerry cans for extra fuel, while a lockable drawer system and full-size spare wheel are stored in the trunk. The most notable modification is the Cayenne’s new PIAA rally lights providing extra visibility during night time driving. Oosthuizen admits they weren’t really necessary but they «also look cool.» We’re inclined to agree.

The Cayenne’s standard air suspension was kept, but links were added to give the SUV some extra lift at its normal setting. Delta4x4 also supplied aftermarket 20-inch wheels wrapped in chunky off-road tires. Originally, Oosthuizen was planning to embark on his cross-country journey at the end of March. But with the coronavirus pandemic causing worldwide disruption, he’s now planning to start the adventure in late June.

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Off-road: Porsche Cayenne Turbo with off-road tuning!

Porsche Cayenne Turbo Offroad Tuning 27

The Speed ​​Hunters Magazine presented a very special Porsche Cayenne a few days ago, which of course we don’t want to withhold from you. Specifically, it is a significantly higher Porsche Cayenne Turbo of the first generation. The vehicle is owned by Roni Collin of the company SpeedHooked from Finland. The Cayenne got a 3 inch (about 8 cm) Höherlegung of Eurowise missed and the front and rear skirts have been lowered for a more aggressive look Off-road look cut off. The Cayenne is painted in Black Olive and the wheels are another eye-catching detail. BBS center locks from a Porsche 997 Cup are installed, painted black and with 33 inches (0,84 m) Yokohama Geolandar M/T tires are equipped.

Porsche Cayenne Turbo

Porsche Cayenne Turbo Offroad Tuning 26

Porsche Cayenne Turbo Offroad Tuning 19

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Porsche Cayenne Turbo Offroad Tuning 25

Next there was a powerful one at the front Rammschutz with High performance LED headlights by Baja Design and even the original headlights have been modified and fitted with a set of yellow BD LEDs. An FIA-specific Cartek fog light is installed at the rear, which also comes from a Porsche Cup vehicle. Nothing has changed, however, under the hood. The original 4,8-liter V8 still produces around 500 hp, but it has been given a new one Oil Cooler and the exhaust is now just relocated. And inside? There was a Porsche CupSport steering wheel with shift paddles and an additional heater for cold winter days.

lightweight Recaro Pole Position seats

Porsche Cayenne Turbo Offroad Tuning 14

Porsche Cayenne Turbo Offroad Tuning 9

Porsche Cayenne Turbo Offroad Tuning 18

Porsche Cayenne Turbo Offroad Tuning 15

Incidentally, the front seats are of the Recaro Pole Position type and there is one here too heating included. A successful eye-catcher is also the wooden gear knob and the fact that the dashboard is equipped with a special holder for off-road accessories. The special off-road vehicle is referred to by its owner as the «911 GT2 Touring». If we get more information, there is of course an update for this report. You will be informed about this if you simply use our Feed subscribe to. Have fun watching the pictures and stay true to us!

Porsche Cayenne Turbo Offroad Tuning 28

Don’t worry, of course that was far from being the case when it came to auto / auto tuning. Our magazine still has tens of thousands other tuning reports in stock. Do you want to see them all? Then just click HERE and look around. Or you can read through the following thematically appropriate vehicle reports. Another interesting vehicle is sure to be included.


Check Out This Mental Porsche Cayenne Off-Road Project

Check Out This Mental Porsche Cayenne Off-Road Project

This in turn has seen a number of vehicles see a huge spike in popularity, on top of the already rather heated car market. Of course, if you want to live that #vanlife you need a van, so Toyota HiAces and Volkswagen Transporters are hot property right now – but the real hot ticket items have been 4x4s like the Suzuki Jimny, Land Rover Defender and Australia’s perennial favourite, the iconic Toyota Land Cruiser.

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Naturally, with fun road trip cars thin on the ground right now, adventurous types have been forced to look elsewhere. But one American man has turned heads by choosing a rather unlikely vehicle to turn into an off-road monster – indeed, to turn into his full-time home on the road: a 2008 Porsche Cayenne S.

Harrison Schoen, a US Navy veteran and self-described “regular guy” has turned many heads by choosing the luxurious German SUV as the basis for his off-road build.

“Since getting out of the Navy shortly before COVID, I’ve felt tied down and trapped in regular routine,” he explains on one of his videos.

“Bills coming in, going out and so many unnecessary things occupying my time. I’ve decided to leave those behind and live completely from my Cayenne. An unlikely pick for this type of thing, but it’s what made the most sense for me.”

Few Cayennes go anywhere other than strip malls or the school run, but the Porsche isn’t as outrageous of a choice for an off-road build as one may think. All Cayennes have permanent four-wheel drive and torque to spare, as well as a wide variety of meaty engine options.

Indeed, Porsche even made a super-capable limited edition variant called the Cayenne S Transsyberia, designed explicitly to compete in the eponymous (and gruelling) Transsyberia rally in Russia.

Schoen bought the vehicle for US$9,000 with 125,000 miles on the clock, although he’s spent several thousand dollars modifying the car, with things like a 4” lift; tougher upper and lower control arms; bigger wheels and tires, and amenities such as a portable shower and awning.

He points out, however, that choosing a more “practical” vehicle for one’s 4×4 build – like a Jeep Wrangler or Toyota 4Runner – would have a much higher cost of entry, as those cars are more expensive to buy second-hand in the US.

Actually, the economics work out similarly in Australia, too. On Carsales right now, a nice first-gen Cayenne will set you back between AU$12,000-20,000 – which is pretty comparable to (and often cheaper than) the price of entry for a Land Cruiser or Nissan Patrol of the same vintage, to use some common Aussie 4×4 build choices.

Maintenance has also been reasonably hassle-free. DMARGE spoke with Schoen, who explains that other than the water pump and alternator being tricky to replace, the car’s been no less reliable (or expensive) to maintain than other alternatives:

“Parts aren’t really that much more expensive. The biggest cost would be if you took it to Porsche or an independent Porsche outfit, and they’d have a big labour cost.”


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