This page is meant to help you troubleshoot the Nissan Murano P0430 trouble code. It covers the P0430 code’s meaning, symptoms, causes, and possible solutions.
P0430 is an emissions-related trouble code and is virtually never a breakdown risk.
P0430 is usually caused by a catalytic converter issue or a bad O2 sensor.
Table of Contents
Definition | P0430: Catalyst System Efficiency – Below Threshold (Bank 2) |
Symptoms | Check engine light |
Common Causes | Bad catalytic converter, O2 sensors |
Breakdown Risk? | Rarely (it’s an emissions code) |
Repair Cost (Parts) | $250 or less |
Repair Difficulty | O2 sensor replacement is easy, but the catalytic converter can be a challenge |
P0430 is generic (has the same meaning for all vehicles made in 1996+) OBDII trouble code. Here’s the technical definition for your Nissan Murano:
P0430: Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
Your Murano’s exhaust contains hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and other harmful gasses. Catalyst system efficiency measures how many chemicals are removed from the exhaust system. A modern catalytic converter should pull over 95% of these pollutants out.
Oxygen sensors measure the gasses that enter and exit your Murano’s catalytic converter.
When the readings from the upstream and downstream oxygen sensors show similar readings (not enough pollutants expelled from the exhaust), your vehicle will throw the service engine soon light (P0430).
These readings shouldn’t match since your Murano’s catalytic converter is scrubbing the pollutants from the exhaust.
When the readings from each O2 sensor get close, the software in your Murano’s PCM believes that the catalytic converter is no longer doing its job. This can happen for three reasons:
Bank 2 is the side of your Murano’s engine with the second cylinder. Typically, the first cylinder is closer to the front of the engine.
A quick Google search for your vehicle’s engine and model year can quickly confirm that. The bank 1 version of this code is P0420.
The P0430 code in a Nissan Murano will often be thrown if one of your vehicle’s oxygen sensors is not functioning correctly.
There are rarely drivability issues associated with P0430. For most people, the first sign that anything is wrong is the service engine soon light coming on.
Here are the typical symptoms that something is wrong when you have code P0430:
Here are the most common causes of P0430 in the Nissan Murano:
The most common fix for P0430 in the Nissan Murano is a new catalytic converter, followed by replacing the Oxygen sensor. Before taking your Murano into an exhaust shop for a new catalytic converter, let’s ensure that’s what you need.
Here’s a good P0430 diagnostic order for the Nissan Murano:
The first thing you want to do when trying to fix P0430 in the Murano is to verify there aren’t any other trouble codes. Three types of codes can give clues as to what’s going on with your vehicle.
If you have a misfire-related code (such as P030X, where X is the misfiring cylinder) or P0300 (random multiple misfiring), it can cause the catalytic converter to overheat, which decreases its efficiency and throws P0430.
The misfire code should be for cylinder 2, 4, 6, or 8 (if applicable).
If your Murano’s PCM doesn’t know the engine temperature, it’ll keep the fuel mixture rich. When this happens, the exhaust the O2 sensors see will be out of range, and it could throw P0430. You should see P0128 and (likely) P0420 along with this code.
O2 Sensor Codes
If your vehicle has any O2 sensor-related codes, jump to section three.
It would be a good idea to check your vehicle for an exhaust leak first. You should be able to hear it easily when looking underneath your Murano.
An exhaust leak can cause P0430 since it causes exhaust gasses to escape unmetered.
If your vehicle doesn’t have an exhaust leak, you’ll need to test the O2 sensors and/or catalytic converter.
Your Nissan Murano has at least two oxygen sensors, one before and one after the catalytic converter (commonly referred to as the upstream and downstream O2 sensors).
Often, an oxygen sensor is the cause of P0430. When an oxygen sensor has failed, it can cause a false reading and trigger this code in your vehicle. You can test the sensor before replacing it. The videos below show you how to test one with a multimeter or professional scan tool.
Over time, the oxygen sensor wiring can go bad. It is especially volatile since it is right next to the hot exhaust at all times. The downstream oxygen sensor wiring is also fragile since it is far from the ECM, and the catalytic converter can get hot (more distance to travel = more area to fail).
The catalytic converter is responsible for scrubbing out as much pollution as possible from your Nissan Murano’s exhaust.
Over time, it can lose its ability to strain pollutants out of the exhaust. Although modern catalytic converters are supposed to last the life of most vehicles, over time, they can lose their ability to strain pollutants out of the exhaust.
There could be some underlying problem if it has clogged, such as a misfire, an air/fuel mixture that is too rich, or oil getting into the cylinders. You can test your catalytic converter with a heat gun to see if it’s overheating (see how in the video linked below).
You can determine if P0430 is caused by a bad oxygen sensor by swapping the bank one O2 sensors with the bank two O2 sensors. If the code changes to P0420, that would indicate that one of the O2 sensors is bad on the bank 2 side.
If there are no codes other than P0430 present, and the O2 sensors are recording data properly, it’s likely your Nissan Murano’s catalytic converter has failed, which is what this code is reporting.
P0430 shouldn’t affect the drivability of your vehicle, but it’ll fail an emissions test.
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