3. Slightly improved performance by dropping the overall weight by 200 kg (see below).
How to install (assuming you are already running Arushan’s NFSMW Modloader):
1. Unzip the compressed folder in this download
2. Copy the COPSUV folder to your CARS_REPLACE folder
3. Start the game, and go looking for trouble with the cops – whenever they send out the heavy SUVs after you, they’ll be sporting the new paint scheme. If you have a MW car unlocker/trainer, the SUV is driveable as well.
1. I’ve reduced the weight of the white SUV from the stock 2200 kg to 2000 kg, for a couple of reasons. First, if you feel the need to drive around in this thing, it’s a bit more nimble and manageable than the stock version. Second, the reduced weight makes for new gameplay parameters: the lighter SUV is a bit easier to flip over when you ram into it, but it also accelerates faster, handles better, and has a higher top speed – so you may have a harder time shaking it off during a pursuit.
2. The SUVs in MW don’t have a cop driver like the regular pursuit vehicles do; normally the regular SUV driver is a black silhouette, so you don’t notice him that much. In the Whitebody edition, the driver looks like a grey mannequin. This is the only bug I’ve noticed with this mod, but it’s barely noticeable when you’re in a pursuit situation, unless you’re surrounded and immobilized by SUVs (in which case you’ll be busted in the next second or two anyway). I tried different texture mods and colors on the driver silhouette mesh, but they screwed up the whitebody paint job; I can live with the minor bug, and hope you can too. If not, just delete the COPSUV folder from your CARS_REPLACE, and you’ll have restored the original SUV and all-black silhouette driver.
EA for designing the vehicle – I merely goofed around with the body colors, tire textures, and attributes
NFSCars.net for hosting our precious files
You, the gamer, for downloading this mod. You can distribute this mod freely, as long as you do so with all files (including this *.txt file) intact, giving credit where credit is due.
Best regards,
Dean (a.k.a. faceofdeath)
The Rhino SUV unit is a police variant of a Sport Utility Vehicle and is used in police pursuits.
The Rhino SUV unit is used by the Rockport Police Department, Palmont Police Department and the Tri-City Bay Police Department. It appears in three different variations: Light, Heavy and Supercharged. These units appear at Heat Levels three, four and five in Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Need for Speed: Carbon and Need for Speed: World.
It will also appear at special Heat Levels six and seven in Need for Speed: Most Wanted but will appear at special Heat Level seven as well as eight in Need for Speed: Carbon.
The Rhino is playable in a challenge event of the Need for Speed: Most Wanted Challenge Series. Players will be able to use it to evade a pursuit within four minutes.
The Light Rhino Unit is the smallest police SUV. It has no bull bars across its front grille, it has the lowest suspension, different road tyres and standard police rims. These units appear at Heat Level 3 alongside Pontiac GTO State Cruisers in Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Need for Speed: Carbon and Need for Speed: World.
They are utilised as roadblocks and will attempt to stop the player by ramming head on into them. Light Rhino Units are worth $10,000.
The Light Rhino units are the easiest to disable as they are lighter by comparison to the other Rhino units, are unable to change direction quickly and easily flip over when hit with sufficient speed.
The Heavy Rhino Unit is the standard police SUV. The Heavy Rhino has bull bars across its front grille, it has higher suspension, different road tyres and five spoke silver rims. These units appear at Heat Level 4 alongside Pontiac GTO State Undercover Cruisers as well as at Heat Level 5 alongside Chevrolet Corvette Federal Cruisers in Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Need for Speed: Carbon and Need for Speed: World.
They are used for roadblocks. They will also attempt to stop the player by ramming head on into them at high speed, ramming them off the road and boxing them in. They will appear one vehicle at a time at Heat Level 4 but will appear in pairs at Heat Level 5.
Heavy Rhino Units appear at Heat Levels four to seven in Need for Speed: Undercover. Heavy Rhino Units are worth $15,000.
The Rockport Police Department Heavy Rhino SUV appears in Need for Speed: Most Wanted.
An RPD Supercharged Rhino is offered in the Challenge Series and can be driven in a Pursuit Length event:
It can not be unlocked for use in any events or game modes outside of its Challenge Series event.