На дисплее отображается количество месяцев и пробег, оставшиеся до следующего техобслуживания.
При необходимости выполнения следующего техобслуживания на дисплее отображается «—«.
При приближении срока очередного техобслуживания при включении зажигания на дисплее на несколько секунд появляется сообщение PERIODIC INSPECTION.
Обнуление можно выполнить при выключенном зажигании.
Когда показатели устанавливаются на начало отсчета, на дисплее отображаются количество месяцев и пробег, оставшиеся до следующего техобслуживания. При включении зажигания сообщение PERIODIC INSPECTION отображаться больше не будет.
Окно индикации контроля техобслуживания отображается при многократном кратковременном нажатии кнопки переключения в информационном окне.
Удерживайте кнопку переключения не менее 2 секунд, пока не появится и не начнет мигать символ в виде гаечного ключа. Если в течение примерно 10 секунд не будет нажата ни одна кнопка, на дисплее восстановится прежнее окно.
После того как символ начнет мигать, нажмите кнопку переключения, чтобы вместо «—» появилась надпись «CLEAR». На дисплее будут отображаться количество месяцев и пробег, оставшиеся до очередного техобслуживания.
Hey friends, how’s life. This time I want to talk about how to reset the oil service light on the Mitsubishi Outlander. It’s one of those things that you’re going to do more often than pretty much anything else. So it’s a good idea to kind of know what’s going on, how to do it, and maybe some things along the way that you should probably pay attention to.
So when you see the routine maintenance required minder on your display, this informs you that a periodic inspection is due. This indicator will appear shortly after the vehicle is started and will automatically disappear. However, it will continue to occur when the car is started until a limit or a reset is done. So let’s move on to reset it.
With the ignition off you scroll through the INFO button here until you get to the spanner icon
Next, you need to press the INFO button again and you’ll see CLEAR come up on the dash
Start your car
In this section, I’m gonna show you how to reset the Routine Maintenance Required warning light right now, this is for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 Mitsubishi Outlander models. So now all you need to do is:
Alright guys I got a 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander and just change the oil in it. And now I want to show you guys how to reset the Engine Oil Service Due reminder that pops up on the screen. So let’s go ahead.
The engine will have problems if the oil isn’t changed. At some time, you’ll have an issue with the oil. Engine failure may be caused by using subpar oil. A common issue is burning smells.
This has to be addressed immediately, or the automobile may explode. It’s possible that you’ll get poor gas mileage. The engine may make a knocking noise.
This car runs on a full synthetic oil type, SAE 0W-20. As a more ecologically friendly choice, this viscosity of oil performs remarkably well at maximizing fuel efficiency.
There are two engine options for the Mitsubishi Outlander based on trim level. The Outlander’s 3-liter and 2.4-liter engines each hold 4.5-4.9 quarts of engine oil.
Mitsubishi’s recommended oil change interval is 7,500 miles or six months. Depending on your driving habits, if you drive a lot, you may need to get your car serviced more often. So you should do routine oil checks.
This car’s oil change costs $110 to $140. You may save $40 to $60 by changing it yourself.
High-quality oil will ensure a smooth engine operation. The Castrol Edge, Kendall, Valvoline SynPower, and Pennzoil Platinum are among prominent 0W-20 products.
So that is how you reset the service warning indicator in your Mitsubishi Outlander. I hope you enjoyed this article and you found it helpful. If you did, please share and comment. See you at the next one; thanks for reading!