Baki creator Keisuke Itagaki and Kengan Ashura artist Daromeon recently came together for a notable piece of crossover art for Netflix.
The piece of artwork celebrates the two hardcore fighting anime series exclusively being available on the streaming platform. Taking exactly half of the canvas the creators put together a showdown between main characters Ohma Tokita and Baki Hanma.
Season 2 of Baki released last week, while Episodes 13 to 24 of Kengan Ashura are set to debut on Netflix October 31.
Check out the Baki and Kengan Ashura Netflix crossover art below.
Baki, Kengan Ashura Artists Draw Crossover Art for Netflix
— Anime News Network (@AnimeNewsNet) July 10, 2020
Featuring (Yung Lean) jonatan leandoer96, Bladee, Thaiboy Digital, Palmistry, Mechatok, Varg2™ and more.
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(If you haven't seen Kengan Ashura on Netflix then you won't understand this)
Well. this is inconvenient.
"It's not like we are delinquents just to be cool, ya know? Yet you say you feel down the stairs. Those injuries don't look like they came from a fall, do they?"Baki sighed. He just wanted to go home and train. But he was stuck at the back of the school with three punks who thought they were tougher than him. The one in the middle had long gravity-defying blonde hair that looks like it hasn't been comb in three weeks. He had very skinny weird looking eyebrows and a mustache atop his upper lip. His white button-up school shirt was unbuttoned and showed off his highly skinny stomach and chest. Around his neck was a silver chain with little triangles. But He did have the decency to pull up his black school pants and wore white shoes.
Behind him on his right was a slightly taller guy with shoulder-length black wavy hair. Nicer eyebrows and pale skin. He did have the decency to button up his shirt but for some od reason, he decided to unbutton the top three buttons showing off a black necklace with a giant green stone on it. He also had the decency to pull up his black pants and wear white shoes.
On his left side was a taller rounder male with red hair. he wore a green bandanna on top of his head thinking it made him look cool but in all honesty. it didn't. It really didn't. And unlike the other two, he decided to unbutton his shirt all the way and have his shirt tucked in so it showed his round belly. Good thing his pants were all the way up. And he also had on white shoes.
"It seems like-" The blonde male froze as Baki switched his gaze up to meet his eyes. He gulped and shook in fear.
"Ryo? are you scared or something?" The blonde turned around and faced the black-haired male.
"What? Heh, Scared? I-I'm not s-scared."
"Well, you've been shaking for a while." The blonde growled and pointed a finger at him.
"L-Look who's talking."
"That's E-Enough!" Both men paused and turned around to the other male that had yet to talk. The rounder male shook in fear as he shifted his gaze from Baki Hanma to his companions. "We're done with this guy," Baki smirked and gave him a sideways glance causing him to shake in fear even more.
"If we're done here, I'll be going." Bake stood up straight and started to walk causing the delinquents to jump out of the way and watch as he walked away.
"H-Hey!" He stopped dead in his tracks, time seemed to pause causing the three men to shake in fear. "You. no, who. " Th round male seemed to be lost for words as Baki turned to look at him. "Who the hell are you?" Baki frowned and thought for a moment. He looked up at the sky, peering into the clouds before he looked back down and opened his mouth.
"I've got nothing interesting to say. Getting involved wouldn't be worth your time." The three men shivered and took a few steps away from him. Even though they were far away to where they could just run away but something in them made them stay, that it would just be pointless if they did run. "Now I hope you all have a great day. Just stay away from me and I'll stay away from you." He turned around and walked off but didn't manage to get far as a teacher ran from out of the doors and called out his name stopping him dead in his tracks.
"Baki! Baki wait!" He sighed in frustration but turned around none the less and faced the male teacher.
"Yes? Is there something I can help you with?" The older male took in a deep breath and smiled up at him nervously.
"there's someone here to see you." He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Alright, I'm following right behind you." The male nodded and walked back into the school with Baki following along. They made it threw the hallway, and up the stairs to the third floor and walked down the hallway towards the principles office.
Томов 27, завершено Перевод: завершён Жанры: боевик сёнэн комедия боевые искусства драма Категория: Манга Сценарист: Сандрович Ябако Художник: Даромэон Год выпуска: 2012 Издательство: Shogakukan Журнал: Ura Sunday Теги: Япония ГГ мужчина Навыки Переводчики: saswaifu , Ной Студия , Elysian Realm , petbastard , Сухарик29 , AZO Team Популярность:
С периода Эдо и по сей день в Японии проводятся настоящие гладиаторские бои. Богатые бизнесмены и купцы нанимали бойцов для участия в рукопашных схватках, где «владелец» победителя получает все. Токита Ома по прозвищу «Асура» обожает драться и сокрушает своих противников раз за разом. Его впечатляющие способности привлекают внимание многих крупных владельцев бизнеса, в том числе и председателя «Ноги Групп», Ноги Хидэки.
Но после 1-го раунда Я вдруг решил, что больше не должен сдерживаться. Возможно, во мне просто взыграло желание Победить.
— Сам подумай. Представь, что ты ранен и находишься на грани смерти. Сможешь сражаться как обычно? — Да. — Нет, дебилушка.
Но вы знаете, последствия этих трагедий всегда так. затягивают. Эффект любого из существующих видов лекарств не может сравниться с тем отчаянием, которое я испытываю в конце операций.
— Оо-ох. Всё это слишком сложно, чтобы думать об этом на протяжении всего боя. — Нет, ты просто мало думаешь.
Манга про подпольные бои в которых решаются торговые споры. Есть два ГГ: боец Ома жаждущий утвердить свое превосходство; и Ямасита- мужик в шестом десятке который не понимает что вообще здесь забыл. Они представляют забавный тандем, хотя Ямасита как по мне как персонаж лучше взаимодействует с читателями потому что человечнее окружающих его бойцов.
Бойцы и бои. Автор будто прочел «Баки» и подумал «что-то слабовато», а потом прочел «Сильнейшего ученика» и подумал «не, ну это уже перебор». Вот и установился баланс когда вроде вокруг одни сверхчеловеки, но фаерболы трением ладошками ещё не вызывают.
У рисовки есть две черты. Во-первых автор много внимания уделяет мускулатуре, мышцы здесь явно демонстрируют что скрывают в себе силу. Потому кстати почти у всех персонажей-бойцов очень привлекательные тела. Во-вторых повреждения тут довольно жесткие, настолько что в реальности их значительная часть была бы фатальной- часто можно увидеть как проминается голова чуть ли не до середины черепа. Ещё отмечу что старики здесь очень колоритные(и часто пугающие).
По сюжету и прочему не буду ничего говорить, как по мне в манге про бои он не в первой тройке важности. Главное что бои приятно наблюдать и они зрелищные.
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