Карты можно приобрести в нашем офисе, а также с доставкой курьером по Москве и МО. Стоимость SD карты с покрытием России — 3500 руб.
Использование обновленной карты не влияет на гарантию дилера. Если у Вас установолено головное устройство, отличное от NAVI600 или NAVI900, позвоните нам по телефону +7 (495) 975-76-87, мы проконсультируем Вас по поводу возможности обновления.
Также мы обслуживаем любые неоригинальные штатные головные устройства Opel и Chevrolet с GPS-навигацией на базе ОС Android или Windows CE с любым установленным навигационным ПО (Навител, СитиГид, iGO и др.). Стоимость обновления подобных устройств — от 1500 руб.
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To access the map update for your Opel Mokka (X), click the appropriate model year of your vehicle. Don’t know your model year? Consult your vehicle owner’s manual or learn how to determine your model year based on your VIN.
The Opel Navigation Store is your official online source for Mokka (X) GPS navigation system map updates. For most model years, the map is loaded onto a DVD that can be installed at home. The specific media type for your Mokka (X) update is listed on the product page.
The Mokka (X) features fresh data that helps improve routing accuracy and fuel economy. These optimizations complement the many benefits of your in-vehicle navigation system. Unlike cell phone apps that feature small screens and even smaller buttons, the Mokka (X) navigation system is designed for driving. A map update keeps your high-performance sports car ready for the road ahead.
To find the map that’s right for your vehicle, select the appropriate model year from the menu below. You will be directed to a product page where you’ll find installation instructions along with information on map coverage area and new road data. Additional support is available via the Help Center. The Opel Navigation Store accepts all major credit cards and PayPal.
Accuracy, efficiency, performance—fresh data helps you stay on course and keeps your fuel tank full. Order your Mokka (X) map update today.
Accuracy is key to staying on course and on time. Optimize your vehicle’s navigation system map with fresh data including:
Note: Statistics represent the average taken from current available map updates. The specific data included in a map update varies by navigation system.
For additional assistance, visit the Help Center to find information specific to your vehicle including how to install map updates and tips for using your navigation system. You can also access FAQ and other information at the links below.
Power up your navigation system with fresh road data and the latest points of interest.
Learn more about new data and features *Data points above represent the average across all 2018 map updates. Exact data may vary by product.
The Opel Navigation Store is your online source for Opel navigation system map updates. Each map update keeps your system operating at peak performance with essential data including new and modified roads, addresses, signage, points of interest, and much more.
Learn more about what’s in your map update and how you can benefit in all types of driving conditions.
Laser light radar and aerial imagery are among the powerful tools that ensure the accuracy of your map.
Quickly access installation instructions, ordering information, FAQ, and much more.
Secure All Major Credit Cards and PayPal are accepted as part of secure payment process.
On average, the latest map update for Europe features 265,000 kilometers of new roads. *Fresh road data, combined with 2.5 million speed limit markings, improves travel time estimates and generates more accurate routing options.
The European map update also includes an average of 139,000 fuel stations, 231,000 ATMs, and 645,000 restaurants. These up-to-date points of interest are important to your everyday driving needs. From finding the nearest ATM when traveling around town, to locating a nearby petrol station on your next road trip, an optimized navigation system will help you drive with confidence and ease.
Remember, your Opel navigation system is designed for driving. Unlike portable devices with small screens and even smaller buttons, your in-vehicle navigation system can help you remain focused on the road ahead. Updating your map maximizes your driver-centric navigation experience, helping you get the most from your system.
To find your map update, enter the model and year of your Opel vehicle into the menu at the top of the page. Each product page details the map coverage area, highlights new road data, and provides clear installation instructions. Additional support is available via the Help Center. All major credit cards and PayPal are accepted.
Products sold on the Opel Navigation Store are manufacturer tested and approved. Each map update is customized to the navigation system in your vehicle. Shop with confidence knowing that you are getting an authentic product offered via a secure payment platform.
Are you ready to optimize your Opel navigation system? Stay on time and on course—update your Opel navigation system map today!
* Data points above represent the average across all 2018 map updates. Exact data may vary by product.
We accept all major credit cards and PayPal
Safe, secured online shopping-guaranteed
To access the map update for your Opel Mokka (X), click the appropriate model year of your vehicle. Don’t know your model year? Consult your vehicle owner’s manual or learn how to determine your model year based on your VIN.
The Opel Navigation Store is your official online source for Mokka (X) GPS navigation system map updates. For most model years, the map is loaded onto a DVD that can be installed at home. The specific media type for your Mokka (X) update is listed on the product page.
The Mokka (X) features fresh data that helps improve routing accuracy and fuel economy. These optimizations complement the many benefits of your in-vehicle navigation system. Unlike cell phone apps that feature small screens and even smaller buttons, the Mokka (X) navigation system is designed for driving. A map update keeps your high-performance sports car ready for the road ahead.
To find the map that’s right for your vehicle, select the appropriate model year from the menu below. You will be directed to a product page where you’ll find installation instructions along with information on map coverage area and new road data. Additional support is available via the Help Center. The Opel Navigation Store accepts all major credit cards and PayPal.
Accuracy, efficiency, performance—fresh data helps you stay on course and keeps your fuel tank full. Order your Mokka (X) map update today.
Accuracy is key to staying on course and on time. Optimize your vehicle’s navigation system map with fresh data including:
Note: Statistics represent the average taken from current available map updates. The specific data included in a map update varies by navigation system.
For additional assistance, visit the Help Center to find information specific to your vehicle including how to install map updates and tips for using your navigation system. You can also access FAQ and other information at the links below.
Программное обеспечение для обновления навигации Опель Мокка включает дорожные карты с POI-точками последней версии. Приобретая у нас этот продукт, вы обеспечиваете себя актуальными данными о дорожных участках России и Европы.
Оставьте заявку и получите бесплатную консультацию по подбору необходимого товара на нашем сайте
Со временем навигация начинает ошибаться и выдавать ложные сведения, которые не отвечают действительности. К этому приводит несоответствие текущих данных в головном устройстве реальной обстановке на дорогах.
Данную проблему решает обновление навигатора Opel Mokka. На автомобилях данной модели присутствуют штатные магнитолы версии Navi 600/900. Для них предусмотрена перезагрузка данных с помощью карты памяти. Для установки нового ПО достаточно вставить носитель в слот и дождаться автоматической записи. По завершению дорожные карты сразу станут доступны для использования. Обратите внимание, что у нас отсутствуют товары для ГУ Intellink и 950.
Покупая ПО для навигатора, вы получаете не просто карты, а целый комплекс актуальной информации:
Если вы обнаружили некорректную работу навигатора или привыкли к комфорту и хотите заранее обновить систему, оформляйте у нас заказ на поставку дорожных карт. А в дополнение к основной покупке воспользуйтесь нашим дополнительным предложением и приобретайте карты Европы со скидкой.