Модуль антиблокировочной тормозной системы (ABS) контролирует потерянную связь с датчиком рысканья / G. Модуль ABS задает код OBDII, если значение «Потеря связи с датчиком рыскания / G» не соответствует заводским характеристикам.
Предохранитель перегоревшего топливного насоса Обрыв цепи контроля топливного насоса Неисправное реле топливного насоса Поврежденный модуль управления двигателем (ECM) Что это значит? Код будет уста.
Предохранитель перегоревшего топливного насоса Обрыв цепи контроля топливного насоса Неисправное реле топливного насоса Поврежденный модуль управления двигателем (ECM) Что это значит? Код будет уста.
Предохранитель перегоревшего топливного насоса Обрыв цепи контроля топливного насоса Плохая земля топливного насоса Неисправное реле топливного насоса Поврежденный модуль управления двигателем (ECM) .
®) Control Module Power Supply Circuit Failure in Section 4E”.
DTC C1061: Pump Motor and/or Motor Driver Circuit Failure
Refer to “DTC C1061: Pump Motor and/or Motor Driver Circuit Failure in Section 4E”.
DTC C1063: Solenoid Valve Power Supply Driver Circuit Failure
Refer to “DTC C1063: Solenoid Valve Power Supply Driver Circuit Failure in Section 4E”.
® (ABS) Control Module Internal Defect
Refer to “DTC C1071: ABS (ESP
®) Control Module Internal Defect in Section 4E”.
Was “Electronic Stability Program Check” performed?
Check back up light switch and its circuit
1) Turn ignition switch to ON position.
2) Check back-up lights, back up light switch and their
circuit check referring to “Back-Up Light Symptom
Diagnosis in Section 9B in related manual”.
Are they in good condition?
Check back up light switch circuit
1) Turn ignition switch to OFF position.
2) Disconnect ESP
3) Check for proper connection to ESP
connector terminal at “E53-10”.
4) If OK, then measure voltage between connector terminal
“G53-10” and vehicle body ground.
“RED” wire circuit
shorted to power circuit.
Check back up light switch circuit
1) Turn ignition switch to ON position.
2) Measure voltage between connector terminal “G53-10”
and vehicle body ground with the shift lever in “Reverse”
Substitute a known-
good ESP
unit / control module
assembly and recheck.
4F-38 Electronic Stability Program:
DTC C1073: Lost Communication With Yaw Rate / G Sensor Assembly
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
® control module connector (viewed from
1. Yaw rate / G sensor assembly
® hydraulic unit control module assembly
[B]: Yaw rate / G sensor assembly connector (viewed
2. CAN driver (for yaw rate / G
DTC Detecting Condition
CAN line communication error in ESP
and yaw rate / G sensor assembly is detected.
• CAN communication circuit (for yaw rate / G sensor
• Yaw rate / G sensor assembly
Was “Electronic Stability Program Check” performed?
DTC check
1) Connect scan tool to DLC with ignition switch turned
2) Turn ignition switch ON and check DTC.
Is DTC C1057 detected?
Check each control module connectors
1) Check connection of connectors of all control modules
communicating by means of CAN (for yaw rate / G
sensor assembly).
Is DTC C1073 detected?
Check for intermittent
trouble. Check for
intermittent referring to
“Intermittent and Poor
Connection Inspection
in Section 00 in related
CAN communication circuit check
1) Turn ignition switch to OFF position.
2) Disconnect connectors of ESP
Is each CAN communication circuit between ESP
module and yaw rate / G sensor assembly opened, shorted
or high resistance?
Repair or replace the
CAN communication
Electronic Stability Program: 4F-39
DTC C1075 / 1076 / 1077 / 1078: Steering Angle Sensor / Master Cylinder Pressure Sensor /
Longitudinal G Sensor / Lateral G Sensor in Yaw Rate / G Sensor Assembly Calibration Incomplete
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
Check yaw rate / G sensor assembly
1) Substitute a known-good yaw rate / G sensor assembly.
2) Connect connectors to ESP
3) Clear all DTC(s) and check DTC for ESP
Is DTC C1073 still detected?
Substitute a known-
good ESP
unit / control module
assembly and recheck.
Yaw rate / G sensor
assembly malfunction.
DTC Detecting Condition
Missing steering angle sensor calibration point data is
• Steering angle sensor
• Steering angle sensor calibration is incompleted
Master cylinder pressure sensor calibration is
• Master cylinder pressure sensor
• Master cylinder pressure sensor calibration is
Longitudinal G sensor in yaw rate / G sensor assembly
calibration is incompleted. (for 4WD vehicle)
• Yaw rate / G sensor assembly
• Longitudinal G sensor calibration is incompleted
Lateral G sensor in yaw rate / G sensor assembly
calibration is incompleted.
• Yaw rate / G sensor assembly
• Lateral G sensor calibration is incompleted
Was “Electronic Stability Program Check” performed?
1) Connect scan tool to DLC with ignition switch turned
2) Turn ignition switch ON and check DTC for ESP
Is there any DTC(s) other than C1075, C1076, C1077 and
Go to applicable DTC
diag. flow.
Check sensor calibration
1) Calibrate all sensors referring to “Sensor Calibration”.
2) Clear all DTC(s) and recheck DTC for ESP
Is DTC C1075, C1076, C1077 and/or C1078 still detected?
DTC C1075: Replace
steering angle sensor.
DTC C1076: Replace
control module
DTC C1077 / 1078:
Replace yaw rate / G
sensor assembly.
Calibration is
4F-40 Electronic Stability Program:
DTC C1090: ECM Detect Rolling Counter Failure with ESP
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
DTC C1091 / 1093: ECM / 4WD Control Module Data in CAN Line Failure
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
DTC U1073: Control Module Communication Bus Off
Refer to “DTC U1073: Control Module Communication Bus Off in Section 4E”.
DTC U1100: Lost Communication with ECM (Reception Error)
Refer to “DTC U1100: Lost Communication with ECM (Reception Error) in Section 4E”.
DTC Detecting Condition
® control module rolling counter failure is detected by
• CAN communication circuit
Was “Electronic Stability Program Check” performed?
1) Connect scan tool to DLC with ignition switch turned
2) Turn ignition switch ON and check DTC for ESP
Is there any DTC(s) other than C1038 and C1090?
Go to applicable DTC
diag. flow.
DTC check for ECM
1) Check DTC for ECM.
Is DTC U0073 and/or DTC U0121 detected?
Go to applicable DTC
diag. flow.
Substitute a known-
good ESP
unit / control module
assembly and recheck.
DTC Detecting Condition
ECM sent invalid signal to ESP
• Engine control system
4WD control module sent invalid signal to ESP
control module. (if equipped 4WD control module)
• 4WD control system
• 4WD control module
Was “Electronic Stability Program Check” performed?
DTC check other control module than ESP
1) Check DTC for ECM and/or 4WD control module.
Go to applicable DTC
diag. flow.
Substitute a known-
good ESP
unit / control module
assembly and recheck.