P2099 is a generic OBD II code. It has the same meaning for the Nissan Murano as it would any other vehicle. It specifically indicates that your Murano detected that air-fuel mixture reading as the exhaust gas exits the catalytic converter on the bank 2 side of the engine is too rich. (too much fuel for the amount of fuel present).
Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System – Too Rich – Bank 2
There are three main parts to the defintion of P2099. They are color coded above, and each section is defined seperately.
Post catalyst means whatever is happening is after the catalytic converter (in terms of exhaust flow). Your Murano’s catalytic converters are responsible for breaking down exhaust gasses and making them inert, which greatly decreases emissions output (and creates a ton of heat).
The fuel trim system is what your Nissan Murano uses to adjust the air-fuel ratio for optimum combustion. There is an oxygen sensor located after your catalytic converter (on the bank 2 side, we’ll get to that in about 30 more seconds of reading time), reporting that the air/fuel ratio is too rich (too much fuel to the amount of air) when leaving the catalytic converter.
The term “bank” refers to a row of cylinders. So, the number of cylinder heads your Murano has determines the number of banks (it can only be one or two banks). In this case, your Murano for sure has two banks.
If the first bank was causing the problem, the code that you’d pick up would be P2097.
P2099 can only appear on engines with two banks.
Since you do have two banks, you’re going to need to determine which side of the engine is bank 2.
While it is annoying to have to find bank 2, having two banks is nice since we can use the “swap test” to diagnose and determine if the oxygen sensor is bad or not using only an end wrench and your OBD2 scanner.
Typically, if your Murano registered P2099 there will be noticeable symptoms. Here are some of the most common ones:
Here are the typical causes of P2099. A good code scanner will aid immensely in the diagnosis.
Diagnosing P2099 by itself can be a challenge due to everything you need to look at being underneath your Nissan Murano. If there are any other codes that are present, cross-reference the common causes with these and see what they share in common.
The first thing you should do is check the wiring to the O2 sensor. It can often be brittle or damaged as your Murano ages. Next, take a quick look at the exhaust system and see if you can find any obvious leaks. If there is no visible problem, you can do the swap test to rule out the catalytic converter.
A bad oxygen sensor is one of the most common reasons that you’ll see P2099 in your Murano. You’ll need to test the sensor and determine if it is bad or good. Here’s more on diagnosing a bad O2 sensor in your Murano.
If you have a V-6 or V-8 engine, you can swap the post cataltyic converter O2 sensors and see if the code “jumps” to the other side. If it does, you know that the oxygen sensor is bad. Here’s how to do it:
Take a look at the exhaust system. Are there any holes? Tap on your Murano’s catalytic converter with a hammer or mallet. If you hear something rattling around in there, the catalytic converter has probably failed.
A clogged catalytic converter is a common cause of P2099. A converter that is really bad will glow red and your Murano will have a hard time accelerating. The reason that this happens is that it’s so clogged that it can no longer pass exhaust gas freely, which really can alter the reading from the downstream oxygen sensor.
If this is the case, you’ll likely get P0420. Here’s more on diagnosing a bad catalytic converter.
If there is an issue with the mass airflow sensor, your Murano’s PCM will not be able to properly control the air fuel mixture.
The odds are that this code will be accompanied by a related trouble code. If it is not, start with the easier stuff:
Good luck diagnosing your Nissan Murano. If you discover anything that could help the next visitor of this page, please leave a comment below.
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Стоимость диагностики кода P0345 2006 Nissan Murano составляет 1,0 час труда. Время диагностики и трудозатраты на авторемонт зависят от местоположения, марки и модели автомобиля и даже типа двигателя. Большинство авторемонтных мастерских взимают плату от 75 до 150 долларов США в час
Сигнал датчика положения распредвала не обнаруживается модулем управления двигателем (ECM) в течение первых нескольких секунд после запуска двигателя
Датчик положения распредвала — это электронное устройство, используемое в двигателе для регистрации скорости вращения распределительного вала. Эта информация используется модулем управления двигателем (ECM) для управления зажиганием и впрыском топлива. Датчик положения распределительного вала определяет втягивание распределительного вала (впуск) для идентификации конкретного цилиндра. Датчик положения распределительного вала определяет положение поршня. Система датчиков состоит из вращающейся части, обычно диска, а также статичной части — собственно датчика. При работе двигателя высокая и низкая части зубьев заставляют изменяться зазор с датчиком. Изменение зазора приводит к изменению магнитного поля вблизи датчика. Когда система датчика положения коленчатого вала (POS) становится неработоспособной, датчик положения распределительного вала вместо него обеспечивает различные функции управления деталями двигателя, используя сигналы идентификации цилиндров по времени