The facelifted Q7 was unveiled back in June and these renderings from artist Aksyonov Nikita depict the facelifted SUV with all the added trimmings you would expect from an RS-badged Audi.
Starting at the front, you’re eyes are immediately drawn to the new grille that ditches the chrome surround and chrome vertical slats of the standard Q7 in favor of a black mesh design. In addition, carbon fiber fins have been added to the air intakes while there are also three small vents between the top of the grille and the hood, just like the new Audi A1.
The bold looks continue down the sides where there are new Audi Sport wheels with black and silver spokes. Completing the visual modifications are a blacked-out strip connecting the taillights, a bold diffuser and twin, oval-shaped tailpipes.
In the off-chance that Audi does decide to create such a model, it will inevitably be outfitted with the VW Group’s 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8, with nearly 600 HP, mated to an eight-speed automatic transmission, just like the upcoming RS Q8. Audi can certainly extract more power than that, but the powers-that-be at Wolfsburg certainly wouldn’t want it to step on the toes of the 641 HP Lamborghini Urus.
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When it comes to modifications for the brand new Audi Q7 4M, the whole world usually looks first at well-known companies like ABT Sportsline or JE design. But there are also companies like Atarius Concept, from Spain, who have also developed an all-round body kit for the Q7 that is impressive. I particularly like the front bumper on the Q7 because it has the style of the current RS6 C7 and looks harmonious with the rest of the vehicle. On the side, the optional S-line side skirts got step-board-like approaches and the rear has also got a new approach for the bumper. Admittedly, I would personally like less conspicuous, and possibly angular, tailpipes better, but in the end that is a matter of taste and can certainly be implemented at any time.
Visually, the vehicle also looks quite harmonious with the gills on the fenders and the black aluminum rims and the red brake calipers behind them want to look very good on the Q7. If you are looking for an alternative to the well-known products, you should perhaps contact the Spanish tuner. If we get more information about the modifications to the Q7, there is of course, as always, an update for this post. The best thing is to subscribe to our feed and if there is something new you will be informed immediately. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos.
We still have many thousands more photo stories on, if you wanted to see an excerpt then just click HERE, And also from Atarius Concept we have some other vehicles, following a small excerpt:
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Немецкий производитель Audi не раскрыл планы, касающиеся RS Q7, однако, в любом случае подобный автомобиль, предоставляющий впечатляющие характеристики, привлечёт внушительное количество клиентов.
Взяв за основу обновлённый Q7, дебютировавший несколько месяцев назад, независимый дизайнер Аксёнов Никита реализовал модель со всеми настройками и дополнениями, которые могут использоваться в грядущем Audi RS Q7.
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Начина с передней части, специалист установил новую решётку радиатора, украшенную хромированными планками и окантовкой. Также появились детали из углеродного волокна, три маленьких вентиляционных отверстия (между верхом решётки и капота), напоминающие варианты, как у Audi A1.
Дополнениям образа послужили колёсные диски Audi Sport с хромированными спицами, серебристая планка, соединяющая задние осветительные приборы, и выхлопная система с двумя выхлопными трубами, расположенными по краям автомобиля.
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Audi ведёт переговоры с китайской BYD о поставке аккумуляторов
Если Audi решит разработать RS Q7, модель укомплектуют 4,0-литровым двигателем V8 (600 лошадиных сил) и восьмиступенчатой автоматической коробкой передач. Отдача агрегата, вероятно, поднимется как минимум до 641 л. с. (соответствует возможностям Lamborghini Urus).